Super Lemon Haze, 5 weeks into veg, Slight yellowing of lower leaves.(PICS)


It all semmed fine but the lower leaves are yellowing.
i was thinking maybe because they dont get enough light.
I didnt water for a couple days due to overwatering but watered today.
All help, Thanks.
Could be a combination of things (temp, humidty, nutrients).

Check out this thread, I think it will really help you:

Best of luck!

Peace out

It all semmed fine but the lower leaves are yellowing.
i was thinking maybe because they dont get enough light.
I didnt water for a couple days due to overwatering but watered today.
All help, Thanks.
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that helped
i did hours of research and figured id get suggestions based specifically on my plant.
I would hope its nothing to bad as this is my first grow and has been going perfectly.
Until now.


i was ganna try a natural grow hoping not to run into anything deadly to the plant. But ima buy
im tight on money, hence the cfl setup, i have well water so the minerals in it i thought might help with a natural grow, maybee im wrong
thanks for the advice, looking up pics of Nitrogen deficiency ina minuite
just got done transplanting her into a larger pot.

sir rance alot

Active Member
What is the Ph of that well water? Have you checked? I almost want to say that it looks like lockout about to begin. But if your Ph is in range then it is probably something simple.

Also, you said you wanted to go natural. Does that mean you dont wont to add nutes? Unless you have enriched soil you are gonna need to feed the plant soon. Cannabis uses a lot of food in a short time. Soil alone has a hard time suppling enough nutrients. Thats why you rarely if ever see anyone using slow release ferts. in their grows.

If your Ph is good...between 6 and 7, you may also need to check your TDS from that well. Well water has a lot more dissolved metals than tap water or even rain water. For that reason, it is easy to get toxic levels fairly quick.

If you can, you may need to get a water filter of some sort..maybe a cheap britta filter or something. good luck


thanks, i ment go natural as in not purchase nutes but im getting an interview at the local garden and tree nursery so ill buy a ph test and check the water,
i might start collecting rainwater, would i have to check the rainwaters ph everytime i collect more?
its miracle grow that has been used before :x but a long time ago, i flushed the soil like 20 times over a couple months before i used it because i didnt know if it had anything harmful in it.
I looked at the plant earlier and the top leaves are hard and slightly curling downward as you can see in the pics from the original post. Hope this provides more clues ;) I love this plant as this is my first grow ever.
My suggestion, get some good soil and transplant into a bigger pot using the new soil. When you reuse soil you need to add new nutrients/fertilizers like worm castings & or bat guano. You could also use the castings & guano to make a watering tea & then water your plants with this tea (an old pillow case & a 5 gallon bucket work well for this).

Your rain water should be fine, but this also depends on where you live.

Hope this helps.

Peace out

thanks, i ment go natural as in not purchase nutes but im getting an interview at the local garden and tree nursery so ill buy a ph test and check the water,
i might start collecting rainwater, would i have to check the rainwaters ph everytime i collect more?
its miracle grow that has been used before :x but a long time ago, i flushed the soil like 20 times over a couple months before i used it because i didnt know if it had anything harmful in it.
I looked at the plant earlier and the top leaves are hard and slightly curling downward as you can see in the pics from the original post. Hope this provides more clues ;) I love this plant as this is my first grow ever.