super high me


Well-Known Member
Man, I hope he really does this.
Think of how great it would be if he did, actual right-in-your-face proof that even everyday use for a month can't hurt you.
I would buy that movie.


Well-Known Member
I have seen it it was ok but it ended like pretty much in mid sentence if you no what i mean and the guy was kinda of a prick in his thought toward weed and marijuana activizm lol


Well-Known Member
Watched it a few nights ago. Kinda disapointing, not too funny. Guy didn't smoke weed. Then he did. The end.

One cool thing about it was it was the first time I've seen the inside of a dispensary. Pretty cool shit. Made me salivate like a pavlov dog.


Well-Known Member
it was alright i liked it cuz it did a good job showing how unfair the feds coming in and ruining the dispensarys is... and they already made it... infact there was a whole thread on this like a month ago


Well-Known Member
it was alright i liked it cuz it did a good job showing how unfair the feds coming in and ruining the dispensarys is... and they already made it... infact there was a whole thread on this like a month ago
Yeah, and this thread is nearly eight months old.