Super cropping

hey guys, only had one grow before and I super cropped it a lot and was able to see its benefit, however when I flowered it then it turned out male and all my time was wasted. Now I've got 4 girls going, the first two random bag seed that had a couple weeks head start on the other two feminized jack herers. With my two random seeds, I've topped them both twice now attempting to get the 4 main colas I read about. I'm wondering if super cropping is okay to be using on plants that have been topped, saw somewhere that the training methods should be used "exclusively". I wonder if the reasoning could be for chance of over stressing a plant, and if that were the only reason then wouldn't it not matter for the feminized seeds at least?


Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
IMAG2686_1.jpg IMAG2686_1_1.jpg This is a strawberry kush lady that has been topped twice and supercropped. IMAG2686_1.jpg You can also see where I split the main stalk. IMAG2686_1_1.jpg

You can do both with no problems. I do recommend atleast a week recovery time before switching to flowering though. Good luck.