sup peeps, noobie here, need advice.


Active Member
hello all home horticulturists, Im new to home growing hyrdoponically and have a million questions. hope you can take some time to read this and hel me grow a tight little garden.

I would love to have a master marijuana plant kept in a vegatative state, then have a separate area for growing 2-3 clones.

I also would like to grow some tomatoes.

which leads to question number one. can i grow the weed and the tomato plant in the same light conditions?

so far I have a 134 gph pump, irrigation kit 1/4 inch hoses and drippers, a 2 socket trac lighting setup inside of an old 3x3x8 T.V. stand, which seems perfect for getting the setup going.

which leads to question number 2, what light bulbs should I use to start out with? I dont want to spend 30 bux on a HID light bulb and 100 something bux on a ballast,

so can I just use 2 bulbs in the trac lighting fixture to get the greenhouse going? if so what bulbs should i use. I am completely dumbfounded by all the lighting options and argumnet over LED versus incandescent vs HID.

I really didnt know what I was getting into when i germinated the seeds and planted them in perlite. right now the plant is about 3 inches tall, with about 7 inches of root, in a clay pot, sitting in a plastic container full of water.

The plants started off great, but now the lack of environment is noticable as the the leaves are wilting pretty bad, and its not looking too good.

oh, i just purchased a 36x8 slab of rock wool to transplant the plant into the rock wool, as soon as the pump gets here.

I would like a nice drip system as that to me seems the best.

thanks for your time
