Sup? I'm new, and I have a question

Cloud Nicholls

New Member
Hey everyone, my name's Cloud, 18 / M / Canada.
I'm new to this website, but from a quick skim I think I'm going to find out everything I need to know about the perfect plant, especially since I'm getting my green card later this year (thank you back pain, anxiety, and tremor).

What I'm really curious and concerned about percolators and diffusers... I recently bought a sexy ass bong that I think works good and hits good, but it doesn't have any percolators, nor diffusers, and I recently found out about these two high-end bong pieces. I'm just wondering, does it make you get higher, or does it just make the bong easier to hit because it cools down the smoke?
Here's a few pictures of my bong.
I also have a vaporizer pen, spoon pipe, and gravity bong.
I'm getting a bubbler, Volcano vaporizer, and hookah to finish off my collection.


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I used to be all about the percolators, but like most of my friends, we always go back to the simple bongs.
Percolators usually mean you have to clean more, more drag, splash in your mouth, and sometimes just don't clear good.
I also feel from experience that more water = less stone or at least doesn't hit you as hard.
Blend up some ice and put it in there. Super smooth or pack it with snow during the winter. That's what I like to do.