Summer come faster!!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Well only 5.7 grams is left of my harvest, along with 2.2 grams of honey oil made from the trim.

Cant wait to grow again!


Well-Known Member
I am about ready to explode im so excited for summer!

Ive got a little over 2 ounces left from last harvest and it wont last till next harvest :(

I wanna fast forward till spring!


Well-Known Member
Spring fairy is disappointing. She should be alot prettier imo. I'm not going to be growing outside sincei dont have anywhere to do so anymore but im getting tired of winter too. To be honest though only the last 3 weeks or so have been bad. We were getting 40's in december! now we're hovering around 0, a few days ago was -35 f w/wind chill. i think the last few years of mild winters have made me soft.


Well-Known Member
haha at spring fairies "wide face"
she looks fine to me, its mid 70 here but cant trust it yet, coooooome on march