Suitable Light for Veg room

Hi Everyone

I am on my 2nd crop at the moment and have two rooms one flowering and one veg
In my flowering room which is about 38 sqft I have a air cooled 400w hps which works well and my veg room which is about 24 sqft and has a 125w cfl. Now i want to use the veg room for veg growth clones mothers ect and the flowering room for flowering (obviously) as it is always on 12/12. When i make the switch from veg to flowering stuff really grows because of the bigger light. And the coverage of the cfl isn't great. Which leads me onto my questions.

1. Are my lights totally miss matched ? and if so what light do you think I should use would prefer not to have a a heat adding light.

2. Is there a ratio of how much light you need for veg vs. flowering

3. How close do clones need to be to a 125w cfl

Thanks for reading this I know its a bit waffley. Cant seem to find an answer to this anywhere
