Successfull Grow with No Ventilation Theory


Active Member
It is my understanding that plants require three things to live:

Light, CO2, H2O

If a grow box had no ventilation then the problems that would arise are
Heat, and Stagnant Air (Lack of CO2). I was wondering if the heat problem could be cured by installing a type of air conditioner / air cooling unit, and the Co2 could be generated with a Co2 Gen.; would the plants survive with no air coming from an external source?

This is just an idea and I think it would be really cool if this were possible in some shape or form if we put our imaginations to it! It would take stealth to a whole new level!
if you can generate CO2 and controll the climate etc i see no reason why it wouldnt work. I just imagine it to be very hard to keep all the factors under controll but if you know what you are doing then i suppose why not.
Oh and i suppose you wanted to say PLANTS need three things to live.
What kind of grow space you talking about.
This is a closet with the dimensions of:

LENGTH= 2' or 24"
WIDTH= 4' or 48"
HEIGHT= 8' or 96"
SQUARE FT.= 8' or 96"
CUBIC FT.= 64' or 768"
LIGHTS NEEDED = 2 Flouros 4 bulbs (Daylight Spectrum) & 400 Watt HPS
I mainly wanted to know if this was "possible". If so, I had planned on creating CO2 using one of the DIY methods using yeast and sugar.