Suboxone; Bliss and then Vomit Hell


Well-Known Member

I've taken suboxone a few times before this. I never exceeded 2mg at once simply because it really fucks me up. I don't have an opiate habit, so when it does what it does it wastes me. Anyways, my friend and I bought an 8mg suboxone - pictured above - and we just split it in half then cut it into 1mg pieces. We dosed 1mg each and chilled. About an hour later I took another 1mg. Then 30 mins later I took .5mg. Then 15mins later I took .5mg. Then about an hour later I took another milligram. Total dosage:4mg. I feel amazing for a good while. I'm at the house nodding out infront of the TV. All of the sudden I'm hit with this nausea. I ignore it and it goes away. Five minutes later it comes back out of no where and I barely made it to the bathroom before I threw up. It was a hard bodyracking action that was painful on the throat and I only puked up a little bit of orange colored water. Then a few seconds after that I really started puking and over the course of 2-3 hours I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Towards the end it was clear almost foamy shit everytime. It was sick. I still felt the effects of suboxone after I was done being sick and fell asleep pretty quickly. Also, I noted that my heart was absolutely floored through most of the vomiting. In the 95-115 bpm range.


Well-Known Member
Ouch man that's horrible. Suboxone, in my opinion, tastes disgusting. At least the strips do. I would imagine it would be a lot worst coming back up.

I have a bottle of 100 of the sub lingual strips. They don't really do anything for me. Then again I just take one every so often because I'm trying to ween off the oxycodone (30mg blues) a little bit. I'm prescribed 180/mo but I end up just taking them because I have them rather than out of necessity (ends up being over 4/day). I'm going to cut back to two a day, one in the morning and one at night. Then I keep the rest for breakthrough pain.

How's the actual buzz from suboxone? Did you take them orally or did you insufflate (or even intravenously)? The film I have are 8mg/2mg. I assume that means 8mg buprenorphine and 2mg naloxone. Maybe my history of medicating with opioids might be the reason 8mg does nothing for me.


Well-Known Member
Yeh the action is totally different on someone far clean of opiates. The buzz is a lot like OC or Methadone except euphoria comes and goes in short 20 minute bursts. The body high is a little weird, youre not as heavy as you would think you are on OC but coordination is messed up, depth perception, audio distortions, I guess "visual disturbances" (like tracers or blurry vision), relaxation, mood lift (generally), heightened appreciation for music. Tingly sensations like OC and itchy nose/head/ears. Its enjoyable if you dont get sick. I take them sublingually.

Akira F2

First of all, I thought this was a cannabis forum. Second, Suboxone contains Naltrexone which is an opioid blocker. If NOT TAKEN UNDER THE TOUNGE the naltrexone will kick in and clear the opioids off their receptor sites thus making you sick. You are a moron for taking such a drug, why not just go buy a bag of dope from your local ghetto? I hate the fact people use opioid pharmaceutical pills (Oxy contin, morphine, subutex, suboxone, etc... ) and trash heroin.. when all your doing in taking a bunch of byproduct OTHER then the favored opioids you seem to love.

I kicked a heroin / methadone habit after 10 years... so I am extremely bias for STUPID ASS wannabee users like you.


Well-Known Member
akira you are on a cannabis forum but in a all substances other than cannabis sub forum so calm down sparky


Well-Known Member
First of all, I thought this was a cannabis forum. Second, Suboxone contains Naltrexone which is an opioid blocker. If NOT TAKEN UNDER THE TOUNGE the naltrexone will kick in and clear the opioids off their receptor sites thus making you sick. You are a moron for taking such a drug, why not just go buy a bag of dope from your local ghetto? I hate the fact people use opioid pharmaceutical pills (Oxy contin, morphine, subutex, suboxone, etc... ) and trash heroin.. when all your doing in taking a bunch of byproduct OTHER then the favored opioids you seem to love.

I kicked a heroin / methadone habit after 10 years... so I am extremely bias for STUPID ASS wannabee users like you.
Akira, relax man. This is a cannabis forum, but this is a sub forum dedicated to all other substances. There are posts are making crack and meth, tons of posts about acid, shrooms, as well as a plethora of posts about research chemicals. I suggest you stay out of this sub forum if you take offense to such things.

No one in this thread is suggesting using pharmaceuticals and trashing heroin, so I'm not sure where the attitude is coming from.

I don't mean to be argumentative but suboxone contains naloxone, not naltrexone nor does it contain nalorphine. All aforementioned antagonists are easy to confuse. I know that for a fact. I even just grabbed my suboxone to make sure I'm not spreading false info.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I thought this was a cannabis forum. Second, Suboxone contains Naltrexone which is an opioid blocker. If NOT TAKEN UNDER THE TOUNGE the naltrexone will kick in and clear the opioids off their receptor sites thus making you sick. You are a moron for taking such a drug, why not just go buy a bag of dope from your local ghetto? I hate the fact people use opioid pharmaceutical pills (Oxy contin, morphine, subutex, suboxone, etc... ) and trash heroin.. when all your doing in taking a bunch of byproduct OTHER then the favored opioids you seem to love.

I kicked a heroin / methadone habit after 10 years... so I am extremely bias for STUPID ASS wannabee users like you.
Dude, you are just a tool. You listen to what THEY tell you, but never do your OWN research. Look where that got you?
Naltrexone is NOT in Suboxone, that is Naloxone. Naltrexone is actually orally active, Naloxone is NOT orally active and only active when IVed. The thing is, Bupenorphine has such a high affinity for the mu-opioid receptors that it blocks all the naloxone from binding to the receptor, so you do NOT have to put it under your tongue to get an effect. You can IV, plug, snort it, and you WILL get enhanced effect (I snort them just to get more effect as I feel they have more anti-depressant properties this way) I use Suboxone for its Anti-depressant properties (What my doctor has agreed to say he prescribed it for)

So, PLEASE, get REAL facts, before you insult someone who is doing NOTHING wrong, and you waltz in here like you know everything. Then after you proceed to embarrass yourself with your words, you also spew out MYTHS about something you purport to know a lot about.. That is just RIDICULOUSNESS. I NEED SUBOXONE TO FUNCTION, ask my doctor.


Well-Known Member
I've taken a few little pieces of a pill like you posted and I was like a fucking zombie only able to walk a few steps without puking.I had no opiate tolerance then.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I thought this was a cannabis forum. Second, Suboxone contains Naltrexone which is an opioid blocker. If NOT TAKEN UNDER THE TOUNGE the naltrexone will kick in and clear the opioids off their receptor sites thus making you sick. You are a moron for taking such a drug, why not just go buy a bag of dope from your local ghetto? I hate the fact people use opioid pharmaceutical pills (Oxy contin, morphine, subutex, suboxone, etc... ) and trash heroin.. when all your doing in taking a bunch of byproduct OTHER then the favored opioids you seem to love.

I kicked a heroin / methadone habit after 10 years... so I am extremely bias for STUPID ASS wannabee users like you.
Wannabe user? What the fuck is that? I wasn't aware that everyone's goal in life was to become a strungout no good junkie. Besides, I was addicted to methadone a few years ago so you're not the only one who's "been there" for whatever its worth. Also, the post right above yours clearly states that I took the suboxone sublingually. Although you did have your chemicals mixed up Naloxone will make you sick if ingested orally without dissolving, its not the buprenorphine makin' people sick. Anyways. I'll let your ignorance do all the talking for me...


Well-Known Member
Took 8 mg of suboxone in a halfway house one time and puked guts. So I know what you mean Kiefcatcher. My face was white as a ghost.


Well-Known Member
i guess its just if you need it or not. just like hadd, i have to take suboxone. if it werent for that id still be taking stupid fuckin opiates and thats not good. imo theres nothing bad to say about this drug. its an actual lifesaver.


Well-Known Member
i guess its just if you need it or not. just like hadd, i have to take suboxone. if it werent for that id still be taking stupid fuckin opiates and thats not good. imo theres nothing bad to say about this drug. its an actual lifesaver.
Definitely. I know more than a hand full of people that would be dead without suboxone. I feel for anyone that's addicted to opiates. It's fucking hell.


Well-Known Member
just got to give the OP some shit for a second. You're used to taking 2 mgs right??? By the way you're describing the way you were taking the pill ..... like .5 mg every 15 minutes. You ended up taking twice your usual dose correct?
Before you start popping pills .... realize that it takes more than 15 minutes to go through you're system. You're dealing with REAL medication here son. Popping pharmies is one thing ... but you're sounding downright idiotic by telling us you were taking them like a 1/2 hour here, 15 minutes there.... Do a bit of research on the medication you're taking. I'm sure if you did you would've realized there was no reason to dose yourself the way you did. btw .... F this post no one cares that you took suboxone and got sick .

It's like posting that mexican food gave you the shits after eating it. If you wanna be a big boy, you have to deal with the big boy side effects.... and do some research next time.


Well-Known Member
i guess its just if you need it or not. just like hadd, i have to take suboxone. if it werent for that id still be taking stupid fuckin opiates and thats not good. imo theres nothing bad to say about this drug. its an actual lifesaver.
congrats on weeining, or not being on the opiates. I have a few friends that kicked with suboxone and it saved a few of thier lives.
To say there's nothing bad about the drug ... welll ....
the kids are usuing it to get high obiviously ( the OP) and it will eventually get a bad name once enough kids are popping the suboxone instead of mommy and daddy's perc script. But wait that already happend didn't it...


Well-Known Member
it never really interacts badly hadd. i just take my suboxone in the morning and normally dont partake in the daytime. im guess im just more of a nighttime kind of guy. i was kinnda worried about that when i did K for the first time since ive been on suboxone but it was fantastic as usual. i also tried to do as much research as possible before hand just incase.


Well-Known Member
just got to give the OP some shit for a second. You're used to taking 2 mgs right??? By the way you're describing the way you were taking the pill ..... like .5 mg every 15 minutes. You ended up taking twice your usual dose correct?
Before you start popping pills .... realize that it takes more than 15 minutes to go through you're system. You're dealing with REAL medication here son. Popping pharmies is one thing ... but you're sounding downright idiotic by telling us you were taking them like a 1/2 hour here, 15 minutes there.... Do a bit of research on the medication you're taking. I'm sure if you did you would've realized there was no reason to dose yourself the way you did. btw .... F this post no one cares that you took suboxone and got sick .

It's like posting that mexican food gave you the shits after eating it. If you wanna be a big boy, you have to deal with the big boy side effects.... and do some research next time.
These baseless, unfounded assumptions that I am ignorant or naive or a kid even are total garbage. I won't argue with you because I know you just as well as you know me: not at all. Please take your hate elsewhere.
i was on subs for 6 months and split between taking subs and doing oxys, it was a vicious cycle, it wasnt until i went to rehab and cleaned up from all substances was I actually free. Today I feel better, i look better, and my mind is better.


Well-Known Member
There is no naltrexone in Suboxone, it is naloxone. They put the naloxone in to deter IV use of Suboxone. Too bad bupe has a higher affinity for the opioid receptor than naloxone so it doesn't do anything.
Bupe is a lifesaver for a lot of people and people with no opioid tolerance abusing it really pisses me off. It's going to get bumped to schedule 2 which will mean patients will need monthly visits because they can't have refills.