Subcools SuperSoil Recipe


Active Member
Hey everyone! looking for some input and or advice. I have a 20ft long x 20in wide x 2.5ft deep and the current soil that is in this garden has been turned and fertilized over the past 2 years (which is what my actual vegetable garden thrived in). Now my question is, based upon the size of this area how much super soil ingredients is it going to take me to fill and how far up should i fill my plot with super soil? (the top will be layered with Roots Organic 707 as a top soil).
2 TBS powdered Humic acid
1 25-50lb bags of Organic Worm castings
5 lb. Steamed Bone meal
5 lb. Bloom bat Guano
5 lb. Blood meal
3 lb. Rock Phoshate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ to 1 Cup cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite)
½ Cup Azomite ( Trace Elements)
8 bags roots organic 707 OR should i go with the recommended, has anyone tried this particular mixture,
Fox Farms “Ocean Forrest” soil combined in a 2-1 ratio with Light Warrior? In my opinion i think the Roots will be a little bit more simple and i dont want to burn the roots with the nutrients ya know.
These are Subcools Supersoil ingredients i am VERY anxious to get to mixing on this as i am going to compare it with the same strain in my hydro setup., ive got a cement mixer to help aid the mixing.
So again my question are
-How much ingredients will be needed of each to fill this size garden with supersoil. OR how do i figure the calculation.....Thank you for your time! Jah Love


Active Member
you have 85 cubic feet of space to fill. (Length x Width x Height all measurements in feet) (20' x 1.7' x 2.5')

i think each roots soil bag is 1.5 cubic feet so it will take 56.6 bags of that to completely fill the area, however, you are only supposed to fill your container at max half full of supersoil then use regular roots on top of that, so you would only make supersoil out of 28 bags of the roots and use regular roots on top of that.

so if you want to half fill the area with supersoil you would make 3.5 batches of supersoil (3.5 batches x 8 bags of roots per batch = 28 1.5 cu ft bags of roots)


Active Member
using supersoil in the bottom 1/2 of your pots, you should not need to do anything but water the plants when the soil dries out. no extra nutes needed in most cases.


Well-Known Member
i have a question when you make supersoil do you still need expensive nutrients?
No you mix the organic nutrients in the soil and then "cook" the soil in a covered container for no less than 30 days. From there on you just water when needed. All the nutrients are in the super soil and the plant will munch on them when needed.


Active Member
you have 85 cubic feet of space to fill. (Length x Width x Height all measurements in feet) (20' x 1.7' x 2.5')

i think each roots soil bag is 1.5 cubic feet so it will take 56.6 bags of that to completely fill the area, however, you are only supposed to fill your container at max half full of supersoil then use regular roots on top of that, so you would only make supersoil out of 28 bags of the roots and use regular roots on top of that.

so if you want to half fill the area with supersoil you would make 3.5 batches of supersoil (3.5 batches x 8 bags of roots per batch = 28 1.5 cu ft bags of roots)
Exactly what i was looking for. Thank you very much! i will upload pictures of garden as i complete the journal!


Active Member
Hey another quick question, would it be ok to use the roots organic 707 instead of the original roots organic. the only difference to my understanding is that the 707 has more micro nutrients.....


Active Member
Hey another quick question, would it be ok to use the roots organic 707 instead of the original roots organic. the only difference to my understanding is that the 707 has more micro nutrients.....
i don't know for sure, but i don't see why not if the only difference is more micro nutes...