Subcool Super Soil Questions


Active Member
I apologize if this has already been covered, I just wanted to be 100% certain on several points before I go ahead and try this recipe. I have grown for 15 years but this will be my first organic grow.

I will have 99 plants in automated flowering greenhouses. All legal per county law. 2 month flowering time on 11/13 photoperiod schedule.

I am planning on vegging the plants INDOORS under 1000 watters for 2.5-3 months. 2-4 weeks in small 6 X 6 nursery pots and then 2 months inside larger 10 gallon pots. Then they would be transplanted 1 week before into the flowering pot size.

I am hoping for 1-2 lbs per plant. I know you can achieve far more outdoors but this is with a straight 60 day flowering time where the photoperiod is controlled artificially. So what pot size would you recommend where I will not have to topdress late in flower? Also if I use too large size pots will that have any negative effects other than wasted nutrients?

Lastly, I was reading that with the additives added to the base soil, the nitrogen will begin breaking down first and then other nutrients are released more slowly thus becoming available later in flower.

Will transplanting 1 week before flower into large supersoil filled pots mean I have excess nitrogen which will inhibit flowering? I'm new to this whole thing so I apologize if I could have put these questions clearer its a learning process.

99 plants in a 30X120 greenhouse carries significant investment and I want to make sure I get it right the first time. If not I'll just go the safe route with what I have experience with (Mills Nutrients)

Thanks everyone in advance and happy growing!
I think vegging in base for 2 - 4 weeks is good and then transplant into SS to finish vegg also good. After 2 more months of vegg your soil should be out of nuits and will love the new super soil. I would veg for a week or 2 befor light dep. so you have roots into the new ss and can use up any extra N in the soil. As for adding extra stuff I have had to add cal/mag vegging under 24 hour light sucks calcum out of the soil fast. In flower I have to give extra phosphorus not a lot but it can be strain dependent some like more npk some less.
look up bloom teas there a good way to go. You will need to help the plants along when there that big unless your using 40 gallon pots. even then they might want more.
hey frank, using the sub super soil in the amounts you're talking about is gonna be pretty expensive. there's a lot of work involved too. personally, i think organic is wayyyy over-rated. properly grown using chem. nutes, pot tastes damn good!!!
^^^ I used to say the same thing until I started producing my own organic meds. I get ten times more relief from organic pot than I did from my synthetics. Although that's just my opinion:)
^^^i just finished an organic grow in dirt. finished it for a friend. i noticed no difference in flavor really. maybe a tiny bit. as for medical use difference, i have no idea.^^^
Synthetics always gives me anxiety I noticed. Once I switched to organics I enjoyed the effects way more and no anxiety when I smoke. As for my back it actually gets relief now too i just noticed it's far deeper.
whats your opinion on using fox farm big bloom in veg to get more n. it has low numbers and i look at it as a tea...also i was thinking of using it to brew sure we all have fox farm laying around lol...i know sub says no liquid nutes..but its all organic. opinions?
acuallly its cheap...on tgas website u get a 5lb concentrate u mix with 3 cubic yards of fox farm ocean forest...65 dollars is cheap and u get killer meds..give it a trt. if it didnt work we wouldnt be here telling u how awesome it is. i used to use the whole fox farm line. and u only use 40 % average super soil and top dress if needed. cheap. ur already using fox farms soil.
10 gallon pots with the proper amount will see you through 2.5 months of veg and all the way through flower as long as you use the proper amounts.. Normally sub uses 7 gallon pots, vegges for 2 months and flowers in them as well...

If you transplant a week before triggering your plants are going to spend the first 2-3 weeks of bloom growing roots rather than the other processes that'll ensure big yields... A 10 gallon pot is a whole lotta real estate for a plant to fill out in 1 week...

If you were growing with synthetic ferts I'd say go ahead but don't waste your $ on the supersoil.... It's pointless to do all that....

The premise of supersoil is to allow a Eco system to form... It takes some time and the adage "the bigger the root, the bigger the fruit" your taking out all the time that they need to grow the root...

If you are at all serious you need to do some practice runs and see for yourself what I'm saying... Run a couple plants your way, and run the same ones from clone the way sub and everyone else does for the most part and I'm fairly certain your gonna see big difference in yield and general health...

No teas, and certainly no big bloom.. It's not organic as it has EDTA in it...

Your trying to do an automated grow but over complicating it... The only thing you need to do is some testing on the strains to see how much SS concentrate is required to get you from beginning to end, blackstrap molasses or sucanut at days 30 and 45 of bloom..... And that's it... Once you do a couple runs for a baseline with your strains and then start experimenting by adding different things at different times...

One thing I can almost certainly assure you of is you will not be achieving those kind of yields if you plan on transplanting a week before flower... The plant won't be big enough, and more importantly, the root system will not support the plant...

I wish you the best of luck and will certainly give you the best of my knowledge but leave the teas, any kind of liquid anything alone until you are familiar with the strains you'll be working with... Which leads me to my last piece of advice, don't try to work with 99 different strains.... Each one is going to require a different amount of supersoil, a different amount of training, a lot of different things that will make your goals/hopes disappear before your eyes as your grow goes on... And in now way am I trying to be the know it all, I'm just trying to save you some heart and headache....

Also the 11/13 schedule is not ideal either... I tried it personally and if you can run 12/12.... Do so... Growers haven't been using 12/12 for no reason at all, it's proven..

Stick with tried and true methods, once you know how YOUR grow is gonna run, and you have it running like clockwork..... Then incorporate different things a little at a time by testing small amounts of plants at a time and seeing what works without endangering the rest of your crop...

I hope u document it here, I'd love to see a 99 plant grow for sure...

Best of luck...