Stupy Noob


Active Member

hey man,

im new around here and im just trying to meet some new people.. i also
do business wit some ppl for the summer

Do you grow your own? Or know anyone that does?

let me kno whats up,


From Trippinbillies14


Active Member
This is a place to show your plants and go on when your high and post things. I really hope someone wouldn't stupid enough to sell stuff on here.


Active Member
This guy Trippinbillies14, Alex is his name, PMed me this morning at like 3 with this message. At first I smelled piggy, but he may be just a kid...

This is certainly not a website to conduct business.


Well-Known Member
well the last time someone sold seeds on here there was big controversy so its best just to avoid the bs...get your seeds off the internet


New Member
personally i get my seeds from the bottem of the bag....ya i seen that long as the person is cool then its ok....what i want though is to find a good father....mostly indica high thc content...thats why we need pollen sellers..


Active Member
lol ive had some friends who have gotten raided, things adding up the "no knock warrant" they served, there investigation was flacky at best. the FBI was even involved. and i can say from first hand experiance cops are not smarter than that.
think of how it felt to kick in a door with guns to my friend head and only found 12 grams of pot. ill bet they felt like asses.


Well-Known Member
cops are smart dude,maybe not the cops that busted your friend but they will play dirty if they have to..for instance if they KNOW you had shit such as guns and plants and didnt find it...that 12 grams would change to 122 in a matter of moments


Active Member
they thought he had a gun becuse of some kid who was trying to sell one earlier in the summer. they also had a kid try and wear a wire tap on him and he robbed the kid. that was the smartest thing he ever did was take the cops money. or he would be fucked with all the coart shit he is going through. there still trying to stick an inhibating charge on him but he should get it dropped


Active Member
yeah conspiracy charges suck. ive got a friend that got 10 years on conpiracy and you have to serve it federal.


Well-Known Member
They tried getting me Expelled from school a few weeks ago but they couldnt they had no proof of pretty much anything

They said i was trying to buy marijuana in the bathroom


Active Member
thats a really smart reason to expel someone. rob a kid of there education because they think they where up to something and really make life hard on them.......i cant wait to get out of this country.


Well-Known Member
Yup and after they found out i had no weed on me, they arranged a meeting with some one from the school district who would decide if i would be expelled or not but they couldnt Expel me with Possession and the guy said i could get expelled for Solicitating or something like that me and my dad were kinda surprised to hear that, but after he made a phone call to see if they can expel me but NOPE!! lol im still at the school even thou were in summer right now

Similar Experience's Anybody??