Stupid question..but I gotta know how to do it accurately.. Pleaseee advise !


ok, so im workin on this attic grow, everythings cool, i believe with the space i have alone with the accodmodations i had to make, it will workout. for the ease of things and first grow, im using fox farm poting soil, 400w mh, and hps for flower, heres my kicker..JUST so I do get this right..

nutrients, do I pour say 2 - 3 gallons in a jug, adjust ph, then had nutrients according to directions (while keeping in mind only use half strength first 2-3 weeks). then water them with the soultion?

I hear I should keep a few gallon water jugs up there for a few days to sit out....

ne feedback would be great, stupid question...seriously...i know.. bongsmilie


Active Member
Let your water sit out not mixed nutes.. I just do one gallon at a time.. I put a gallon of my aged water in my 1 gal pitcher, then I mix my nutes in, stir it up good... take a break smoke a bowl, then I come back and ph it.. then I take another bowl break.. do something else.. then I come back and ph it again.. then I feed. I only mix what im going to use at a time. if you need more than a few gallons.. well im not sure the best way hehe. I havent gotten to that point yet.


Well-Known Member
Are these seedlings or clones? I wouldnt let the nutrients sit in the attic due to heat. With the foxfarm soil you should not need to give them nutes for a couple of weeks. Tobe more concise you need to show me pics of the plants.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
They say to leave your water out so the chlorine evaporates.

If your going to leave your water out:

Leave the water out for 24 hours

Add measured nutes

adjust pH


If you let pH balanced water sit out the pH will change on you.


ok I see what your saying, thanks for all the advice.
Ill post pics soon., setting a proper attic setup is difficult, but i think i can manage, got a drain, hose ran up there, getting a little ac unit thing with a dehumidfier built in in the enclose area i sectioned off with reflecting film.
i know i wont need nutes soon, i just wanna know how to do it when the time comes ya know? this website is very informative.

i do try searching the best i can for some answers, but they dont put in the details, there isnt alot of info on the proper procedure for watering..