Stunted Seedlings

Hey guys, i am brand new to the forum in search of a little guidance.
This is my second grow I’ve ever done, but my first hydro grow.

So i germinated and sprouted my blue crack seed in 1” rockwool cubes, in a heated germination tray. I have a MarsHydro ts1000 that I’m using in a 3’x3’ grow tent. All of my temps are good, pH on the water is measuring around 6.0. The sprout is out of the rockwool, but it’s bottom feeder leaves are curled, and it is very dark green.
Since this is my first time germinating seeds this way, I’m wondering if it’s possible that i over watered them? Today would be day 9 since the seed was placed in the rockwool, and for reference, the seed came through the top of the rockwool on day 5. I’m going to post a few pictures.

Thank you in advance for the help. For whatever reason i feel like the seedling stage is one of the hardest to get though. So im wondering if i should start over, or if this will pull through.


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It’s right at 70 degrees.
i should also mention that the light is turned half way down at 24” above the bucket.
I know i will get crucified for saying this. But i actually just got done looking at it, and the rockwool cube it was in seemed smashed. Which may be causing the roots to not be able to move. I was able to surgically remove the plant without harming the roots and put it in a new cube. Their were two roots coming off the taproot, maybe 1/8” long. Not even remotely close to the bottom. So fingers crossed it takes to the new cube and starts growing.
No. Your temps are 10 degrees to low. That is slowing growth. The plant looked fine if it were over watered the true leaves would show symptoms. Stop f**ing with it and turn the temp up.
Even in hydro? If i turn the temp up, that will bring my water temp up. Not trying to debate, just simply trying to understand. Everywhere I’ve found information it has said you want low water temps.
The leaves need 80 degree temp to grow. Bring the temp up Ideally the water needs to be cooler but there are a whole lot of guys running without chiller for the res. Air stones help with that issue.
Ok cool. Thanks for the info. I’ve got two big air stones in there moving plenty of air. I’ll close my A/C vents off and run my space heater down there! Thanks again!
So not even 12 hours later, one of the feeder leaves perked back up after getting the room temperature up.


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Most people frown on the cubes for hydro. They hold moisture and cause rot. I make a small spot and gently place the tap root down. Then put some rocks over it. No cube used.

I had water temp issues when I started dwc and have moved to a flood drain with external res and chlorine to keep the nasties away.
Most people frown on the cubes for hydro. They hold moisture and cause rot. I make a small spot and gently place the tap root down. Then put some rocks over it. No cube used.

I had water temp issues when I started dwc and have moved to a flood drain with external res and chlorine to keep the nasties away.

yeah, after reading a few forum posts I’m starting to see that trend. I was following a few DIY journals and old YouTube videos to setup my first Hydro grow. With this one already going, I’m going to hold off. But my next one I’m going to try a few new things with germination. Thanks for the input! I’m hoping i can limp through this grow and not take on any root damage because of it.
You're not getting root rot in seedlings.. bump the temp up happily. Only becomes an issue later on down the line.