Stunted plants...possibly?


Well-Known Member
First time grow. 250w red argo sun hps, flood system. temp is 80 lights on, 75 lights off. 5 Plants, I got these plants from the potclub in the sf bay area. don't know the strains. They were all ready flowering when I got them. But i knew nothing about growing so while they showed signs of flowering I kept it on 24 hrs for the first 2 weeks. now I am in my 6th week of flowering 12/12 and my tallest plant is only 13 inches. If I transplant into larger containers is it to late, will they still grow some height? The roots have never been great. any suggestions would be nice. will i yield some good bud? I have been flushing one week. straight water. hopefully ready to harvest soon. I have had spidermites thats why the leaves look so bad. and i was told it was ok to use the rockwool my plants came in, so i put them in the fox farm medium not flush at the top but a little raised. Are these automatic, after they flower will they die. Thanks for any help/info, 2ill4u



Active Member
well it def. does not look like ur plant is stunted, and actually if u left ur lights on for 24hr for a week then they prob tried to revert back so ur not actually in ur 6th week. they look ok but u still got a ways to go son. all the white hairs should die off before u harvest though(urs still have a ways to go)

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If you have mites they will slow the growth and jack the buds. You want to mist with Einstein oil @1/2 tsp per pint of water plus CocoaWet to make it stick to the leaves and buds every other day for a week then every two days till they are gone. Flush before harvest and the taset and smell are not affected! Make sure to spray with lights off so buds wont burn and let dry before turning back on. Too late to transplant wont do much good. They are very healthy ,dont look like nute burn. Maybe too much water. Let the soil dry before rewatering. Wait until the pots feel light when you pick them up. Wet soil causes root rot problems. If your plant were allready flowering when you got them they had no veg time and that is why they are so small. Most of the time you start flowering @ 12"-16 tall! Unless they are auto-flower?


Well-Known Member
Your plants are not stunted, they have just finished their "stretch". The plants will not get any taller, but the buds will begin to swell and get crystals.

The reason your plants are so small is because the plants were already flowering when you got them and they were not that big when you flowered I am assuming.

If you want taller plants, veg longer next time. But will only a 250watt light, I wouldn't want my plants to finish much larger than 12" anyway. If you let your plants finish at much more than 12", the bottom buds will be whispy and wasting energy that could be going to the top buds.

With such a small light, I would suggest rooting clones, maybe vegging like a week or two, then put them in flower. Pack as many as you can in there, and you should end up with a decent yield. A bunch of tiny plants is the only way to get a decent yeild from a 250 watt light.


Well-Known Member
yep what he said great info rep+4ukiss-ass
Your plants are not stunted, they have just finished their "stretch". The plants will not get any taller, but the buds will begin to swell and get crystals.

The reason your plants are so small is because the plants were already flowering when you got them and they were not that big when you flowered I am assuming.

If you want taller plants, veg longer next time. But will only a 250watt light, I wouldn't want my plants to finish much larger than 12" anyway. If you let your plants finish at much more than 12", the bottom buds will be whispy and wasting energy that could be going to the top buds.

With such a small light, I would suggest rooting clones, maybe vegging like a week or two, then put them in flower. Pack as many as you can in there, and you should end up with a decent yield. A bunch of tiny plants is the only way to get a decent yeild from a 250 watt light.