Stunted Growth?


Well-Known Member
Seems as of lately 2 of the plants i put out in the last week of April are showing stunted growth. These are in 2 gallon pots. Could this be the culprit. They are showing pre-flowers like crazy though. Also gave them a shot of nutes the other day. Should i put in ground? Im thinking they might need more room to strecth out. I dunno?

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Well-Known Member
Thanks. But the thing is they are already showing preflowers. I hear not to transplant once flowering begins. I dunno? +Rep on your part though.

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Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
you could always transplant to a 5 gallon pot, like greengiant said i think its safe. 2 gallons seems a little small for a full sized ganja plant. good luck on the grow


Well-Known Member
yeah id say go for 5 gallon..if you plant them in the ground and for some reason need to move them(ie. not enough light, law enforcement)..your fucked..if you got them in the pots you can move them...whatever you do good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Well you can just hope for the best now! maybe a little dose of superthrive just incase if you feel you need it wouldnt hurt..