Stunted growth Purple veins dry dying leaves :(


New Member

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 4.jpg

using Ionic nutes
tap water
cal/mag- 3ml per gal
set at 900 ppm
ph 5.7-6.2
600 watt mh 2-3 ft above
room is 75 degrees
water temp around 70-72


Well-Known Member
so many variables w/ hydro... Id say your water temp is just a lil to high and and you are experiencing root rot..pull the m up and see if a mucus substance is on them or if they fall off to the touch!


New Member
just pulled up the roots they are not slimy or weak, they feel solid and they are milky white. A couple days ago i added another 2 teaspoons of cal/mag to all of them. 3/4 started to grow more and slowed down on necrosis but one still is stunted (back left pot). Maybe calcium lockout? Too much light? Would too many bubbles/oxygen affect them? I had the pump on max with 2 4" air stones in the one with most symptoms. The other three have 1 stone in them, Coincidence? thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
The deformed leaves reminds me of a calcium deficiency, the purple and the stunted growth looks like phosphorus deficiency. That is probably among other things. Is this happening on brand new growth, or is it happening after the stunted growth is fully formed?


New Member
It's happening on the older/lower fan leaves. Working its way up maybe a build up of calcium on the roots or something causing a lockout?