Structured water


Active Member
Water. The most comen substance on earth.
It is with us every moment of our lives. But do we know the secrets of this, amasing element?
Where did it come from?
Who bestial water on our planet? And why?
The only such planet in the universe
Perhaps only water itself knows the answers to these questions?

Now this might sound like something, from some kind of religious book.
But its not!!
What I'm going to tell you is not, (though most people might tell you it is) superspecious. No my good friends. This is fact. It has nothing to do with beleaf in any way.

Before I go any further. And before you read any further. Please take 1 hour and 20 minnutes of you life. Trust me. You will thank me in the end.
Please, do not only watch what I'm about to show you. Watch it. Go do something. See the world around you. And think about what you seen.

So here we are. We just watch a movie about water. Water and its structure. How the structure of the water interferes with everything living. Humans, animals as well as plants.
I saw this movie some years back. And it basically changed my life.

The structure of water is such a huge factor to life. And I'm kinda sad that I almost cant find any posts aobut this topic.
The only thread I found so far, was on

Now I do not want to go to much into details on what structured water is. the topic is just way to big and complex, to a normal guy like me to teaching you about it.
However I will give you all some good links on the topic, so you can read abit further into it.
Water structure and science

To make a very long story short.

Water has memory. It remembers everything it ever interferes with. The structure of water changes, when it comes in contact with anything. It also changed when positive and negative feelings are around it.
If you concentrate positive thoughts, to your water, you will change the structure of the water, to a better and healthier type of water.
If you on the other hand, do the same with negative thoughts. You will change the water to a more unhealthy kind.

This is the very simple way of putting it. I have been doing this for some time now. And I do feel a different. Plosibo effect? Maybe. However I beleave in facts and what is proven.
When I take a glass of tap water. I simply think of someone I love. I think of how grateful I am, for whatever there is to be greatfull about.
When I do this, the water I drink is more healthy. It make me get in a better mood. It makes me sleep better. It simply makes my life easyer.

There are many ways to structure you water. Some more expensive then others. My way is free. And it works.
You can also buy different biophoton filters. And filters of other kind.
You can buy very expensive machines that does all the work for you.

What I want to know. Did anyone know about structured water? Did anyone ever use it on there own plants? And did it make any different.
How did you structure your water? With expensive machines, or just with love and gratitude?

Please discuss!


Well-Known Member
My spiritual beleifs are contrary freind. Not to be a hater, though maybe to stir up some thought, I am from the "Take arms against a Sea of foes" school. Water has been seen as evil by my peeps since the dawn of time.

Rofl. . . nice change of pace. reps.


Active Member
Rofl. . . nice change of pace. reps.
I know. I always get so damn exited when I talk about this. I didnt even scripple down half of what I actually wanted to say. But it will proberly come later on ;P


Well-Known Member
I haven't watched your video yet, so I don't really know what it says. But according to the "Science Channel" - most all of the water on Earth came to us in the form of asteroids or comets, over a tremendous period of time.

And that "all water has a memory "stuff", kinda sounds like it's "Tin foil hat time"! I'll have to finish reading what you said and watch the video before I say any more.


Well-Known Member
Why this video changed your life - I have no idea! I found it to be full of scientific 1/2 truthes and innuendoes (those parts that weren't just plain Hokus-Pokus). It didn't even address some of the issues that you presented in your first post. I'll stick with "The Science Channel" and leave "The SciFi Channel" for others!

Give me a friggin' break - "Water has a memory" - "Water respondes to good or bad intentions". You say these ideas are not superstitions but facts. I think the real fact here, is that you need to be fitted for a tin foil helmet!


Well-Known Member
The only such planet in the universe

Pretty bold statement there guy. There are plenty of planets within our own solar system that have polar ice caps. What is ice? OH YEA FROZEN WATER! Who knew?! And I agree wholeheartedly that this is some serious tin foil hat stuff.


Well-Known Member
This video makes me want to beat my water. And spew it forth from my stomach. It's like a bad introduction to the "Cult of Water". What a bunch of gibberish. I could only stand about 20 minutes of this crap.

I hope ur Water burns in the fiery depths of hell after wasting my time with this watery shite :fire:


Well-Known Member
LOL some of yals responses are funny, but hell if it's as simple as thanking the water for making my plants grow strong and healthy then I can do that. Hell it may not help one bit but it can't hurt, so I will start saying thank you to my water before pooring it on my plants. :mrgreen: