Strict scrutiny... 2A... Gunz... Liberty... in America?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Liberty? In America?

We need some regulations to free ourselves from all these choices.

Yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled that the federal ban on gun possession by anyone who has ever been "committed to a mental institution" violates the Second Amendment. This seems to be the first time a federal appeals court has overturned any of the disqualifications for gun ownership imposed by the Gun Control Act of 1968. Notably, the court applied "strict scrutiny" to the law, which it deemed appropriate because "the Supreme Court has by now been clear and emphatic that the 'right to keep and bear arms' is a 'fundamental righ[t] necessary to our system of ordered liberty.'" But it suggested that the ban also would fail under "intermediate scrutiny," the standard preferred by most courts so far.
it would fail under intermediate scrutiny because it doesn't actually pertain to any govt interest. that's why 'strict scrutiny' trumps 'intermediate'
Liberty? In America?

We need some regulations to free ourselves from all these choices.
Yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled that the federal ban on gun possession by anyone who has ever been "committed to a mental institution" violates the Second Amendment. This seems to be the first time a federal appeals court has overturned any of the disqualifications for gun ownership imposed by the Gun Control Act of 1968. Notably, the court applied "strict scrutiny" to the law, which it deemed appropriate because "the Supreme Court has by now been clear and emphatic that the 'right to keep and bear arms' is a 'fundamental righ[t] necessary to our system of ordered liberty.'" But it suggested that the ban also would fail under "intermediate scrutiny," the standard preferred by most courts so far.

i agree..what are you complaining about?

the ban was overturned..
it's generally accepted that mentally unstable people running around with guns is a bad idea. but strict scrutiny is the courts way of saying 'pontuis pilot'. we didn't make the rules we just uphold them
if you knew you could save a childs life by wearing a wrist watch..would you?
if you thin that shitty $2100 pea shooter 22 pistol is the gun for you, then they have found their target market.
go buy some.

if you think that little pop gun is gonna satisfy my needs then youre a fool.

if you think you can mandate that only worthless overpriced kids toys are allowed then youre delusional.

i got my first 22 pistol when i was 10, still got it too.

when foiols who dont know dick about a subject (like in this case, guns) try to mandate policies and craft laws, they just wind up making themselves look stupid.

if you could save one child's life by shooting a kidnapper, would you?
no you wouldnt cuz your watch didnt go with those shoes.

so sad.

that little girl gets to receive the Full Padawanbater treatment in the back of a windowless panel van cuz your pistol failed to operate
i agree..what are you complaining about?

the ban was overturned..
Why do you think he was complaining?
What words did he use to show contempt? Liberty? America? which one?
I think you have already subconsciously categorized him as a adversary on many subjects, so you are still doing it, something you claimed you didn't do.
Why do you think he was complaining?
What words did he use to show contempt? Liberty? America? which one?
I think you have already subconsciously categorized him as a adversary on many subjects, so you are still doing it, something you claimed you didn't do. seem out of sorts today..what's wrong?

cows not milking again?
if you thin that shitty $2100 pea shooter 22 pistol is the gun for you, then they have found their target market.
go buy some.

if you think that little pop gun is gonna satisfy my needs then youre a fool.

if you think you can mandate that only worthless overpriced kids toys are allowed then youre delusional.

i got my first 22 pistol when i was 10, still got it too.

when foiols who dont know dick about a subject (like in this case, guns) try to mandate policies and craft laws, they just wind up making themselves look stupid.

if you could save one child's life by shooting a kidnapper, would you?
no you wouldnt cuz your watch didnt go with those shoes.

so sad.

that little girl gets to receive the Full Padawanbater treatment in the back of a windowless panel van cuz your pistol failed to operate

but you see dear kynes, it's a proven fact that those walking around with guns to "thwart" do anything but and often times end up dead themselves..look at the las vegas cop killer couple at i have to draw you a diagram?
I will go as far as to say that the average untrained person does not need to carry.
I can guarantee that people like my self and probably dr kynes that do carry put lots of lead down range.
If I had to pull mine it is mechanical smooth action from practice and muscle memory.
Second nature.
here you go; read it and weep..they did a meta-study..meta:wink:


I have a wager for you.
I will spend a day taking lectures, classes, what ever you deem fit to convince me about the negatives of guns.

But on the flip side you would have to spend a day learning about guns.
And yes shoot them. Maybe take a hunters safety education course. In Ky you are required to shoot in front of an instructor. You have to have the card to legally hunt.