Stretching Issue

Hey guys!

The issue: During the very first week, the seedling stage, I noticed that a couple of my plants were stretching themselves out! They grew so tall that they soon flopped over because the steam was too weak to support the little leaves.

I did a search through the forums and found the culprit - the 600W HPS was *way* too high! So I lowered it from about 3.5 feet to about 2 feet, and then I brought the two stretched plants up closer to the light by putting a couple phone books under the pots.

My question: The two plants that have already stretched - now that the light is closer, do you guys think that the stems will thicken and be able to support the plants? I did catch the issue within the very first week, but I know how important that first week is to the long-term growth cycle. Are they likely to recover?

I know photos usually help with this kind of thing, but I don't have a cam handy.


Well-Known Member
givem some support so they don't fall over and have a fan blow over them gently and the stem should thicken up over time
Hey guys!

The issue: During the very first week, the seedling stage, I noticed that a couple of my plants were stretching themselves out! They grew so tall that they soon flopped over because the steam was too weak to support the little leaves.

I did a search through the forums and found the culprit - the 600W HPS was *way* too high! So I lowered it from about 3.5 feet to about 2 feet, and then I brought the two stretched plants up closer to the light by putting a couple phone books under the pots.

My question: The two plants that have already stretched - now that the light is closer, do you guys think that the stems will thicken and be able to support the plants? I did catch the issue within the very first week, but I know how important that first week is to the long-term growth cycle. Are they likely to recover?

I know photos usually help with this kind of thing, but I don't have a cam handy.
I've been there man. If you wanna help your stems thicken up for support, repot them into a larger pot and fill the soil up to a higher level on the stem, but not so high that the leaves are left in the dirt. then give them a couple days and then put a fan on low on them, an oscilating on works great because its not as stressful on the stem as it thickens up. A few days and you'll be alright and you plants will really take off with the new support. I have a grow you can check out if you want. Its link is in my sig. Its pretty well established, I already plants budding, but I am germinating a brand new crop as I type that I plan to follow seed to smoke for tutorial purposes. Good luck with your gro, can't wait to see the pics. Stay lit:joint::leaf::peace:


I had the same issue and it was before I found out about all these great dudes here to help! I did exactly what they said minus repotting. I'm growing hydroponically so I just added hydroton around the stem and stood the babies up. They looked better in a matter of days! Plus the stem I buried grew more roots! I'd imagine this leads to a stronger plant.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
lots of wind blowing on your plant during veg will strengthen the stems but if not them use plant stakes and tie them up...
They are in 3.5 pots, but there is still room to do that, so I will try standing them up and mounding the soil a little bit for support.

Thanks so much for all the spot-on advice! I appreciate the help!


Active Member
My seedlings are outside during the day. Should I bring them inside under artificial nights at light to prevent stretching? Or do they not stretch at night????


Well-Known Member
if your seedlings look like the left picture and in a 3 inch pot or any pot bump them into the next size pot and bury them like the picture above. Note the picture is not showing a pot the brown is only the soil.


Well-Known Member
edit the plant stretches cause it sees a light far away and is trying to grow so it can be closer to the light .So give them a hand yo.