strange white spots on leaves

El Conejo

hi guys. I am just going to post some pic of (Penny) my cannabis plant. so you all guys can rate my plant and point problems you notice so I can work on it.

Soil: regular soil with 5% worm humus.
Light: 4- 23W blue spectrum 2- 42W red spectrum
Temperature: from 70F to 80F
Humidity: from 45% to 60%

Also I notice some withe spots appearing in some leaves at first I though they were mites but I cant find any mites with my 40x and 60x magnifying glass. also they appear fast and just in one lave every week. any guess?

IMG_3214.jpg 4A.JPG
here the stems are not full green but a little purplish IMG_3218.jpg IMG_3225.JPG this are the white spots that appear just yesterdayIMG_3221.JPG this ones are week oldIMG_3223.jpg and this little one is like 3 weeks old IMG_3224.jpg


Looks good so far :) as far as the spots go, if its not mites it might be moths. I have an indoor veg area that is open to keep cool, and they are attracted to the lights.... just keep your eyes open :)


Well-Known Member
if its been weeks, and you dont see white eggs yet, not mites, i wouldnt say moths, do what jesus said, add nutes. dude that pic is metal!


Well-Known Member
Not the best job I've seen at lst should've done it a bit more aggressively when she was a bit smaller.Yea Jesus wot happened my little bro suffered the same kind of head trauma as that saddly he's not with us anymore.

El Conejo

Could be a calcium issue. Plant looks very stunted though, what's your soil pH?
Yea I had really bad problems with the soil drainage because I compacted the soil in the plastic pots. so after 2 weeks they suffered the consequences, but that one was a strong plant and it survived the stress. as soon as I notice my error I transplanted Penny to a bigger pot and de-compacted the soil. Its been 1 week after transplant and she already grow 2 set of leaves in each growing site.