strain selection help


Active Member
i live wiht my parents nad i barely ever smoke but i love to grow marijuana i see it as like a science getting it bette rbredding and so on but i was wonder if any one know low ordor strain i heard strains like chocolate chunk, mandala white satin, nebula Isis, papaya, and purple lady are low odor is this true any one have experance wiht these


Active Member
i live wiht my parents nad i barely ever smoke but i love to grow marijuana i see it as like a science getting it bette rbredding and so on but i was wonder if any one know low ordor strain i heard strains like chocolate chunk, mandala white satin, nebula Isis, papaya, and purple lady are low odor is this true any one have experance wiht these
or purple #1


Active Member
click that search button up there and type in "low odor strains"

using the searhc never helps it just brings up tons of thing no whers relavent i like people jsut to tell me what they know or experances its to hard ot use the search


Well-Known Member
ur loss, theres a thread with about 25 responses on low odor strains where people already told their experiences that pops right up.