Story Time :)


Well-Known Member
Alright, feel free to post stories. Try to make sure these are stories that are intense situations. "Will I come out alive." "Am I about to do to jail FOREVER." ect...

I'll start of with a pretty recent story, some crazy shit...

So I was living with some dudes, and had been talking to a couple girls on CouchSurfing, and they had stayed over once, and they wanted to chill again...

The whole night prior we did line after line of an RC related to MDMA, and very similar to Coc. And I was to the point of like mental overload. Delayed responses, my body and mind would lock/freeze up for 2-3 minutes at a time, and I was slower in general at moving, talking and everything.

But these girls wanted to chill, and I was starting to feel better, as I had done WAYY less MD during that day, than we had the night before. So I got in a car with him, and went to chill. We checked the mail on the way out, and had received a G of what the vendor said was "A Cannabinoid 4x stronger than JWH"...
(They gave us a specific name, but I don't want to share the name OR change my whole story to say "SWIM did ...")
On the way we stopped at the gas station and I threw up out the door...Bad sign...But my friend got me a gatorade, asked if I wanted to go home, and we continued on...
So we got to where the girls were, and they wanted us to hike up a hill (mountain in Tx terms) to go drink some liquor/smoke some weed with them. We did, and brought the "Cannabinoid" with us...

We all started drinking, and they pulled out some bud...I said "I have this stuff."
Showed it to them and told them what it was...
We loaded some on top of some bud, and started smoking and talking...
After a while we decided to go back to the car, and chilled in there for a while, smoked and drank some more...

After a couple hours of chillen in the car, not driving anywhere, fuckin around in a car... We decided to go home until another night.
By this time my mind had been completely cleared and I was no longer locking up or anything.

It was about 6am, and on the way home we hit RUSH HOUR, bumper to bumper morning traffic(near LA)...

My friends kept getting WAAAAAYYY to close to the cars in front of us, almost hitting them. We smoked some more of the Cannabinoid and continued through the traffic though.

Finally I said "Don't get so close to him, you're going to hit him."
But he just gave me a look that said "Whatever, I know how to drive."
Not 10 seconds later he hits the guy.
I start sayin, "Man you're fucked, this is the third time in 2 months ya'll did this, and you still don't have anything registered, OR a license or anything."
Then the guy in front of us got out of his car, and my friend looked at me, eyes huge, and FROZE.

The man came to the window, and tried talking to him, but he just looked at him like a deer in the headlights, and said not a single word. Just went blank, and froze.

I reached across him, and rolled his window down with the crank. And said "Hey I'm sorry..."
The guy cut me off and said, "There's no damage."
And I said "So just trade info?"
And he said "If you want?"
And I said "I'm good" and he went back to his car :)

So my friend was frozen and I tried to ask him "Can you drive"
No answer...
Just a blank stare...
Then he started to convulse.

His body just went stiff like a board, and his eyes rolled back in his head.
He shook violently, and I knew there was NO fuckin way he could drive...

So I started trying to move him to the passenger seat, but he fought me, must have thought someone was forcing the seizure on him, and thought fighting me would stop it all...

But finally I got him where his back half of his body was in the back seat, and his legs were only kinda in the driver seat, so I got in the driver seat, and took the car out of park, but it wouldn't work.

Over and over P, D, P, D, P, D. Nothing, it just wouldn't work...

Everyone around me is honking at this point (bumper to bumper traffic) And people are on there cell phones looking at me, and talking excitedly, I can only assume to police.

I finally turn the car off with the keys, then back on.
Then From P, to D and it FINALLY works.
And I finally get my friend into the passenger seat. Still convulsing and shaking, with his eyes rolled back...

I start to drive, and the guy in the car next to me is just REALLY close, on his phone, looking at me, talking like SUPER excited.
I get scared that he is calling the police and I mouth to the guy "He's having a seizure." and point at my friend. While doing this I ran into the car in front of me. Which at this time is a whole new car, and guy different from last time...

So the guy pulls up next to me, while we're still driving and rolls down his window, and is like violently yelling "Pull over"
I try to tell him, "He is having a seizure."
But he yells "Whatever" and tells me to pull over again.

So I pull over, and he sits in his car for a good minute. Finally I signal to him, "come on" and yelled "He is HAVING A SEIZURE".

He walks to the back of his car to check for damage, and finally comes over to the passenger window.
By this time my friends is the same as described before but is NOW throwing up all over his own chest.

So the guys is like "Oh"
And I'm like "Yeah...I'm from Tx I don't know ANYTHING about this place, WHERE is the hospital."
He says "The next exit is a pretty major road, just drive down it and there should be a hospital up there."

So I take the exit feeling as if he is calling the police as I drive away...
THEN I see a sheriff parked at the top of the exit, but he wasn't there for me...

I feel as if I'm being set up, and decide against following that road and TOO try to find a safe gas station and ask about a hospital. So I take a left and kinda follow the highway from the said.

I keep putting my hand on my friends chest, to make sure he is breathing.
After a while he becomes conscious enough to respond by taking deep breathes to signal "Yes, I can breath" whenever I put my hand to ask "Are you breathing?".

Finally he begins to mumble something, and I tell him to "Hold that thought. Do we need to go to the hospital, or do you want to go home."
He has some hard to understand responses, but finally says clearly "Go home".

So I stayed off the highway so that IF anyone WAS calling the cops earlier, we didn't get fucked with.

So finally he begins to come to. And at a stoplight opens his door, and starts to get out of the car. I grabbed him and pulled him back in saying "What the fuck!!" (Later he said, he had thought he had murdered someone, and was going to run for it.:lol:)

Finally he asked a question...
"Who's car is this, and who are you?" he asked
I told him, "It's your brothers, and I'm your room mate I live with you guys."

Then I asked him"Do you know where you are?"
He said "No"
I said "Do you know what state?"
He said "No"
I told him where we were, city and everything.
Then he asked "Where were we last night?"
I told him "Drinking with ..."
He said "What just happened?"

I described it to him, and at the end he said...
"Wait, so what happened?"

And I told him again.
At the end he said
"I'm sorry if I asked you this already. But how did that happen?" Meaning he had forgotten the whole beginning, and probably most of the end.

Then when we got home, I finally described it to him again and it stuck....

In the morning he went to his sisters house, shaved his head, and became Christian (again).

AND, we found out that next day, that at the SAME EXACT TIME. His grandma had a seizure also.


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple stories that I was told once, by an old man (50-60) in east Texas :) His name was Danny :)

When he was younger, Danny's dad's job for some reason involved him talking to a bunch of people with strange animals, that they could no longer afford, or were no longer allowed to own...
So he would brings some animals home sometimes. He said they had had pet rabbits, deer, armadillo, but the funnest of all, and the type of animal he continued to love and raise when he got older was monkies :)

So he used to have a spider monkey, this was when he was like 20something, that would stand on his shoulder, with a chain around it's neck, that he held as a leash. He had long ass hair, and one day he was walking somewhere, and passed a construction site.
All the Mexicans at the construction site were fake flirting, and making fun of him for looking like a girl. But he ignored them...

But he had to walk past them later that day.
The Mexicans did the same thing again, except this time one of them came up to him as if he was going to try to fight him or something.
The dude got in his face, and he let go of the chain. The monkey jumped on the Mexican, bit him in the face, and jumped back on Danny's shoulder, as the Mexican ran away yelling. That shit would hurt like shit...

Ok, monkey story #2 :)

So Danny at another time in his life, had a monkey called a "Kinkajou" (May be spelled wrong) which is a nocturnal bear/monkey...
It has a Bear face, Monkey hand, a monkey tail, and a little bear body. It's up ALL night...
So this thing liked to wrestle right, it would wake him up in the middle of the night, and he said it was like having a little room mate that wanted to play all the time :)
But it would wake him up all the time :lol:

But one day, he came outside, and the neighbor came outside, because the neighbors dog was barking like crazy...
The dog was barking at the monkey, and the monkey was freaking out too.
The neighbor yelled "You better keep your monkey away from my dog" (A German Shepard)
And Danny said back, "You better keep your dog away from my monkey"
And they each took their animals inside...

Then one day, the monkey was in a tree...And these things don't eat meat, but they have natural predators, and they have to protect themselves. Now, what they have is like bear claws, on monkey hands...
So they go for the kill....

The monkey was hanging in a tree...
The dog, unsuspecting, walks under...

The monkey dropped down on the dogs back, ripped its throat out with its hands...
And walked away, maybe into the tree again...

And those are Danny's monkey stories :D


Well-Known Member
Another story from East Texas :lol: :lol:

It is important to know that the family had babies, one of which was walking around...With a potato in his mouth...
We were sitting in the kitchen smoking a joint...When my friends dad noticed the potato in the babies mouth :lol:
So he yells to his girlfriend/wife "Honey, I thought we were outta taters!!"
She yells back, "We are!"
And his response is "Then why's he gotta tater in 'is mouth!!??"

Now read that out loud. Not just in your head :D :lol:


Well-Known Member
A blotchy Life Summary, that I wrote in another thread:

14 years old got arrested after 2 weeks of MJ use, and about 2 years of religious confusion.
Then, my parents sent me to a "Troubled teens" boarding school/rehab. I got there the day before my 15th birthday :( It was a brainwashing place though, even my parents agree now. I was not "programmed" though (as we called the kids that got sucked in to the "Program". That's literally what it was called)
Got out 8 months later.
But when I got out I had to start probation and alternative school. Both for around 6 months.
During boarding school I had gotten into "Shamanic" and Eastern type religions, and during house arrest and alternative school, I did a lot more research on a lot of religions, and cultures.

I got arrested again when I was like 16 for doing some stupid stuff while blacked out on some Benzos (Very short phase for me, didn't like forgetting). And got the same P.O.
I ended up going to some Psychologists, who all said I was "Manic", I am a legal "Maniac"...My frontal lobe works faster than "normal" people. They actually used to labotamize us.
One Psychologist said, "He's getting in trouble because he doesn't have enough to do, put him in college" So my P.O. talked to a judge, and got me into Community College, and set up for a G.E.D. test when I was 16. I started classes...But, I failed a drug test and turned myself in... :(

And before my probation revoking court date I got drunk and had a "Psychosis" in an abandoned mall while chillin there with 2 friends drinking, one guy was in the army, and we had gone there to shoot his gun. I don't really want to go into detail with the psychosis... It's...weird...and kinda scary
I blacked out, crazy shit happened, and ended up being put against my will in the back seat of a truck (While STILL blacked out, but awake and doing things) I busted through the truck window with my elbow, and jumped out and started running.

Some how next thing that happened, my mom's car was wherever I was, I was laying on cement somewhere, and she put me in her car. I was bleeding like crazy from my arm, and she took me to the hospital...

When I got there the doctors did a blood alcohol test, and it was like 3x the legal limit, and I was like 16. They stitched up my arm, as I sang through the pain with...
Then they put me in a "rehab/crazy house" for like drug using, and suicidal teens and stuff.
Everyone there was prescribed Ceroquell, I talked to an onside, mandatory psychologist and he prescribed me 300mg in the morning and 300 at night. It makes you a zombie.

I ended up being in that rehab place during my court date, so they got mad. And when they found out WHY and WHERE I was missing the court date, it wasn't any better.

I got a female proby officer and she was pretty bad ass. I just talked with her once a month, and some dude did my drug test since she couldn't go in our bathroom. And it was WAYYY better than the old Proby Off. He was a big black dude that would stand at the urinal RIGHT NEXT TO ME, TALK to me, WHILE holding his dick taking a piss.
Then he would ask:
Why can't you pee?

So I started getting into something called "Gnostisism" which is like...
The FULL Christianity... Not just Emperor Constantine's Christianity, and there's some weird stuff involved with Gnostisism.

My old black probation officer took on my case...
Then I ended up failing a drug test and DIPPIN out to the eastern part of my home state :)

My probation officer always said, "I can't let you go for a minute, or you'll be in Mexico"

They couldn't find me, but my mom did, and told them where I was. The county I had gone to sent out 2/4 cops, that were on duty (That is including the Sergent on duty) and they took me to the police station until me step dad, and dad could come to pick me up. And take me too... JAIL
Once my parents left I stated bitching about weed being a sacrament to my religion, and that it was against my constitutional right to freedom of religion to be jailed for a piss test.(And I was kicked out of college classes by my P.O. :( )
My P.O. came to visit...Not only insulted me, but my mom's parenting. He told me he wanted to send me to TYC (Kids can be jailed there until they are 21), but I never got any felonies so he couldn't send me there. But could put me in county juvy for 6 months, and DID.

So I went there for six months and spoke my confused, researched religious thoughts with all the bigotous guards, and christianly confused inmate children. And eventually they banned religious talk from the "Pod" I was in. But I still did plenty of "Planning for the future" with people there...

I was a Junior when I got there.
I read fiction novels, and encyclopedias for the first half of my time there. But after 3 months I noticed all the kids who were GRADUATING were getting RELEASED. So I started working, and graduated in just under 3 months, with there "Self pace" schooling. :) So I graduated at 17, and got released from juvy :)

The day I got out my sister took me to get some bud, and ended up getting valium too, and giving me some.
A couple days later my mom told us we could have a couple people over to drink. While in jail I had been prescribed a bunch of different things, and the long term being forced to take these pills (Felony to refuse, or keep. Since you may sell to other kids) Made me get WAYYY to drunk on like...3 shots. I was throwin up, and stumblin ALL over.

Some time after this I got into Islam for a little while, due to a strange experience, and my Muslim friends and their mom kinda saved me...

But then I just decided who my own gods were, and what people in history had the same kind of ideas as me.
So I stopped being Muslim, and started making my own decisions.

Then when I was 18 I was raided with barely anything at my house, and the police had no warrant.
I was only in jail for 11 days, but got like 9 months probation.
I failed a drug test about half way through, and decided to not go in to talk about it.
Instead I stayed with various friends across the state, then moved to California, with plans to live in a national forest, and grow poppies :).

But when I got there, some friends ended up saying I should really just go live with them, so I did. But never got to grow poppies :(

I stayed there for about 4 months until I got fired from the job I got there, and couldn't pay for rent with the people I was staying with...

So I moved with family in Colorado. And got my medical license :)
I plan to soon go to Mexico, and have MANY MANY plans for the future, and to help the people of the world...The WHOLE world :)

I had PLENTY of time to do PLENTY of thinking in cages, and with Shiva :)


Well-Known Member
*i got one shaggy,...

--theres this Enigma, who can smell you from where-ever-smever you are.... heard it was some sort of Hindu myth, of a creature only that comes outta hiding before every end....

--crazy story eh ;) ... funny you mention Lord Shiva... :)


Well-Known Member
First time I got high :) :) :)

So I'm 14, and I'm at a friends house...

Before this week, I thought I would die if I smoked ANYTHING, because I have asthma.
But I found a pack of cigarettes, opened, but full and unharmed on the side of the road, with the foil part still closed :)

Once I smoked that, and weed was offered. I was SOO ready to smoke weed :)
So I was at my friends house, and his mom an brother (that was the rest of the family) went to sleep.
He started looking around for something, searching in drawers, behind books, everywhere...

I asked what he was looking for and he said "My Mom's weed, it's in a little baggie"
So I started helping him look. We ended up finding it in the drawer in front of/under the computer. It was a little baggie, with about 7g of Reggie in it...He pulled out maybe .1-.2:lol:

We both tried out best to roll a joint out of it(Using Christmas bag stuffing paper that his mom had cut perfectly shaped sitting with the weed, and ended up smoking his joint which we declared was better, but still was shitty.
He had smoked before, with and without his mom. But I had never ever smoked before at all. So he told me to hold it in, and how long it was going to take and everything.

I didn't really feel anything, so we went and got a little more weed(like .3 this time), and used an Eclipse tin, gum container, with holes in strategic places, instead of a joint.

So after about 10 minutes it REALLY started to kick in :)
I was just laughin, and watching him play Zelda (The Twilight Princess).
He was at the part where you sumo wrestle the mayor...There are three options while fighting...It's like slap, grab, sidestep. And it's essentially rock, paper, scissors. But he didn't know that, and he kept losing the match, and once I notice it was Ro,Pa,Sc I told him " ... is paper ... is rock ... and ... is scissors."
He said "Here, you do it." So I tried, but I never play Zelda, I watched my 10-year-older-than-me step sister play when I was little, but I had never really played Zelda. So when I tried it, I lost too.

But I explained it to him again, and told him to do it.
So he did, and won.
After that we played Time Splitter, and everything seemed like it was going is slowmotion, which made me REALLY good at sniping :)

After that we went to sleep, because it was already pretty late when we smoked :)


Well-Known Member
*i got one shaggy,...

--theres this Enigma, who can smell you from where-ever-smever you are.... heard it was some sort of Hindu myth, of a creature only that comes outta hiding before every end....

--crazy story eh ;) ... funny you mention Lord Shiva... :)
Is that real??? The wink confused me...

Hindu "Myth" is just descriptions of things around us...

Like the "Five forms of a god" are really just you "5 senses"

And gods themselves, are just natural phenomenon being explained...
Like Shiva is the phenomenon "New" destroying the "Old" to make way for the "Better", and also represents Marijuana and it's message. Along with many many other things :)

Shiva is one of my gods...
Pan, Shiva, Agni, AtumRa, Mut


Well-Known Member
This is the 2nd or 3rd time I got high...

So we smoked in the woods, before our walk to Wednesday youth group at the church :)
We smoked a couple bowls, and were properly toasted, so we decided to start our walk (Me and one other friend)

We were walking through the very suburby neighborhood, and as we were walking. It felt as if we were walking, but the houses were staying still. As if we had a treadmill in the middle of the street, and no matter HOW fast we ran, or how weird we jumped, there was no way to out run it. And we were both just being weird, trying to make the houses move as we walked, but the wouldn't. It felt like were weren't moving at all...

By finally we made it to the fence by a golf course we had to cross. We hopped the fence, and started walking....
All the sudden I stepped in quick sand, I was sinking. Then I realized, it was just a sand trap...

Then my friend yelled as if something crazy were happening, and I said "It's just a sand trap." So he stopped freaking out, and we laughed about it...

So we finally got tot he other side, and jumped the fence. When we jumped, I looked and the neighborhood we were in was THE SAME one as before, we never even went on the golf course...
But then I realized we HAD gone on the golf course, and this was another neighborhood, that just looked the same to me as the other one.

My friends jumped the fence right after me and was like "WHATTT?!?!"
And I told him, "It's a different neighborhood, it just looks the same."
And he says, "That's like the second time, you can read my fuckin mind :)"
But then I told him the same things had just happened to me moments before, and we laughed.

Then we got to the church and met up with another friend. Him and the friends I had came with, noticed a jacket laying int he middle of the parking lot, and decided to go get it.
But I didn't want to walk that far. But then sitting there, it felt like it had been 10 minutes, so I went to catch up with them...
I was kinda jogging across a semi constructed new part of the church, when all the sudden I died...
In front of me was black, beside me on both sides was back, and I assumed behind me was black. But I was trapped, and didn't even have enough room to turn my body or anything...
Then I looked up :lol:

I had fallin in some kind of ditch in the construction site, that was really thin because they were probably just going to bury a pipe there or something.
But I climbed out, and met up with them...
We got the jacket went to church, and that's it...
:) :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, So say I'm not on probation or ANYTHING. Just regular life status. Now, I'm in my backyard with "some" weed. I am asleep on a couch in the backyard, and my friend is awake watching a TV we had put out there.

He shakes me awake and says, "Hey, there's a cop at the door."
I looked back through the window behind us, to the foggy style glass door about...20yrds away. And asked, "Are you sure."
"I see the badge, and gun and Everything."
"Shit, what do I do?"
"I don't know."
"I'm going inside." So I went inside. When inside I flushed an unknown amount of Marijuana. But it wasn't a lot.
(My friend said they came in the backyards about now, and he said "Do you have a warrant? This is private property." They said, "Are you a lawyer? And handcuffed him)
I called my mom and stared talking to her when I heard a voice in the house. I had gone around locking all the doors I could think of before going to flush, but I missed one. So I go down stairs and these guys are in my house, pointing guns at me, and yelling.
"Put the phone down!" "Put your hands behind your head!" Turn around!"
Then they tried to put hand cuffs on me. But I didn't want that to happen so I put my arms down. They told me to put my hands back up, but the same thing happened. Then they yelled, "Calm down or we'll slam you!!" So I let them put them on.
They took me to the backyard where they found 1g of weed, and about 14g of legal "Wild lettuce". They questioned us extensively, then took us both to jail for the same weed, and the same pipe. Then later said they found 14g of weed, and said that was my charge. But I'm pretty sure that was either fully extracted MJ with no THC in it, or they were just talking about the "Wild lettuce".
But we never went to Trial, they tricked me into pleaing guilty by telling me I wasn't pleaing guilty when in all reality I was basically pleaing guilty in the eyes of the court. And I got probation.

But I ended up failing a drug test and ran away. I now live in a state where my misdemeanor doesn't effect me and MJ is actually medical.

This is a statement and a question...
I plan on using this case to go to the supreme court of my home state. These police had NO warrant while raiding an 18 year old kid(adult to the law) to this extent, for the ASSUMPTION that there may be marijuana on my property. They were no better than a common criminal, breaking into my home, and robbing me of my possessions. They broke the law, not me, and the illegalization of Marijuana in my home state should be considered unconstitutional.
Does anyone know anyone in similar situations to me??
Or does anyone know people I should get in contact with?
Or specific places of interest I should go?
I have many plans, and will be traveling to fulfill them, so any suggestions are ok. I'm just looking to broaden my travels, let me know if you know of anything. I lived in Texas my whole life and only lived in California for like 6 months, so I probably can learn about a couple people and places Marijuana related that maybe I've never heard of before.
Its called the "in plain sight law" here in ohio. All they have to say is that tje MJ in plain sight gave them probable cause to search ur shit. Law sux, but tjats how it is, here in ohio anyway.

I had a friend some one called the cops cause they thought some one was trying to get in through a wndow. Long story short, had one of his plants sitting out after watering it and forgot to put it back, cops aeen it through the window and kicked his front door down, no warrant needed. It was a shitty deal for him.


Well-Known Member
Its called the "in plain sight law" here in ohio. All they have to say is that tje MJ in plain sight gave them probable cause to search ur shit. Law sux, but tjats how it is, here in ohio anyway.

I had a friend some one called the cops cause they thought some one was trying to get in through a wndow. Long story short, had one of his plants sitting out after watering it and forgot to put it back, cops aeen it through the window and kicked his front door down, no warrant needed. It was a shitty deal for him.
Well I didn't have ANY plants...
And nothing was in "Plain sight" there was a fence and a foggy, warped glass door, and a whole wall after that, in their way from seeing ANYTHING.
There was nothing in plain sight. And they said they came in because I was having a party (2 people INCLUDING me, and I was asleep on the couch).


Well-Known Member

When I was around 18, before I left my home state. Me and some friends had bought some bud, to make a little money, so they could get a new apartment.
I happened to know a lot of stoners who liked reggie And they all happened to have jobs, and wanted a new apartment :) So it worked out good :)

But one day, my friend (Red) had a friend come that he had known since Kindergarten. So, he thought this guy was legit.
He came by a few times, maybe 3-4. I never had to talk to him or anything. But then one night he came over at like 3am, we were in the garage. He said, "My brother is lookin for some bud."
So Red made him a sack.
Then his friend said, "He didn't give me the money, he wanted me to see it first." So he left. He came back saying, "He wants me to try it first."

I didn't like this shit AT ALL, it was 3:30am or somethin at this point. He had come by twice, and were smoking him out now. But Red was cool with it because he had known the guy forever. But this guy was SOOOO sketchy. So he smoked with us, and left again...

About 30 minutes later, we're in the house, counting the money, and weighing the bud.

Red's girlfriend is in the garage still, with it open, lights on, sitting on a couch. She see's Red's friend's truck pull up. A Mexican steps out of the passenger seat. He walks up to her, and points the gun at her saying, "Be cool."
He tells her to tell us to get the money, and bud. She yells in the garage door, telling us to bring everything out...
Me and Red think this is strange, and Red begins to go to the garage empty handed. The Mexican opens the garage door. Red runs, and fights to keep the door shut, at this point I have no idea what is happening. I walk over to see an arm being shut in the door, with a gun in the hand.
But then the Mexican pushes the door open, and shoves Red to the ground. He points a gun at him and says, "Put your face on the ground." Then turns the gun on me and says, "Get on the ground." so I did.
He grabbed the money and the bud, leaving only the half oz we had prepared for them (When we thought they were buying it)

The really, really shitty part of all of this, is that there was another guy that lived in the house, asleep in his room, with a loaded shotgun in the closet.


Well-Known Member
shaggy you must have some killer shit you take everyday, damn. boy ya better chill a lil on the hard chit, or you will be in a bad place soon and I wish that on no one


Well-Known Member
shaggy you must have some killer shit you take everyday, damn. boy ya better chill a lil on the hard chit, or you will be in a bad place soon and I wish that on no one
No, Texas is just the wild fuckin west.
And I'm a diagnosed Manic, and a habitual stoner :)


Well-Known Member
Nothin crazy has really happened since I left Texas, except a couple things in Cali...

And I got robbed in Colorado before I had my medical license.


Well-Known Member
I've got a Cali one :)

We were just about to leave to go to my room mate's mom's house a couple towns over. But as we were getting everything, and ourselves in the car, this tweaker girl that my room mates chilled with pulled up and asked "Can I have $5 for gas."
My Room mate is ALL over this girl(Even though she's dating his tweaker friend), so of course he says "Yes" and goes in to get the money.
I'm chillin in the car, and he comes out. They start talking, and it seems like it's gonna take them a long time to talk. So I go back inside the "house"(trailer). I chilled inside for a minute when I smelled some crazy walkin up the drive way (I heard yelling outside)
The tweaker girls, tweaker boyfriend is here, and mad. They apparently got in a fight, and he got out of the car, and she left him. So he walked to our house...

My room mate is smart (kinda) and says, "Ya'll need to take this inside", as they are yelling in our driveway...
So they go inside, at which point tweaker dude says, "I've got 2 Cheena's (Chinese girls) with Choppers (AK-47's) on their way over right now." Because she had "Stolen" the car...That he bought FOR HER.
So this tripped me the fuck out. I went and grabbed my bandana tied to a big padlock, came back out, and told him "Hell no, this is their GRANDMA'S house" (Used to be, but she can't take care of her self, but it was full of her decorations and stuff) "That shit isn't going down here. I'll beat the shit out of you first"

So he called his girls and told them not to come, and they left.
Then we went to my room mate's mom's house.
Luckily she had some dank ass dinner and some Corona waiting for us at her house :)


Well-Known Member
So two Chinese girls with ak's were going to come over and shoot up the fucking place? And u went for what? A scarf and a lock? You one bamf son.


Well-Known Member
So two Chinese girls with ak's were going to come over and shoot up the fucking place? And u went for what? A scarf and a lock? You one bamf son.
Hell no I wasn't for that, banadana, not scarf. But same idea. Swing, smash some skulls :D