Storing weed in fridge


I have a bunch of Mason jars full of bud I harvested couple months ago. I don't have anywhere cool to keep them, right now am building new home and living out of camper. Camper gets sometimes 90 in the day. Everything I read says no fridge or freezer, but wouldn't fridge be better then 90? I have an electric cooler I keep at 40 degrees, if the Mason jars are air tight and inside zip lock bags, would they be fine?


Well-Known Member
I was always under the assumption a fridge was fine and definetly better than 90...but I never had product that stayed in my house longer than a week. Two at the most. So I could be wrong.


Ya I would be storing for months, up to a year before I get to some of the jars. Maybe I'll just cook more into butter that I can freeze. I like eating weed more anyway ha, any other inputs appreciated!


Well-Known Member
iv been having good luck with long term storage of harvest in the fridge. retains smell waaay better than even being in a cooler garage. Once they are properly dried is when i stop checking the buds and let them be until i need them. Dont forget to put the jars into a paper bag to keep the light away!!:weed: