storing grown mushrooms?


lets say i grew mushrooms over a period of a year non stop trying to save every last one of them for the whole year, is there a way to keep them at full potency over that year? maybe freezing them fresh then drying after the year or is just drying them right aaway the best?


Well-Known Member
never freeze them fresh, they will turn to mush, literally.

Dehydrated well and keep in a airtight cool and dark place


Well-Known Member
suposedly for long time storage like 5 years, i've heard there is a dry ice method, storing them in co2 and dark place.


Active Member
glass mason jars work nice when i was growing shrooms i would have mid size jars to let the spores collect and grow and when they where ready id throw them in a dehydrater and put them in big ass mason jars.

you must make sure all the mushrooms are dryed out well cause theyll get mushy and they can even grow a mold that will get you really fuckin sick.


Well-Known Member
If your product is cracker dry bag them up, put them in your jar and the jar in your freezer. They will last nearly forever, believe me.