Stored water/teas.


Well-Known Member
I have a really nice gurilla grow location with water near by. I was thinking of storing a couple big Rubbermaid containers undergrown so just the top shows. But I was wonder if that would mess with the ph? I was thinking of using 2 totes. 1 for plain water and 1 for teas. Another question I have would it be ok to make teas from a container on site? Like let it cook it's self. I was thinking of doing an alfalfa tea when they get about knee high then something else towards flower. Thanks.
Is the water source natural or man made? Storing water can lead to issues in my experience such as stagnation. I found that bubbling the water would cause the PH to raise but letting it sit without bubbling did not.

Have you considered using a back pack to carry water with you? The only issue I would be worried about with your idea is having to clean the tubs periodically. Sounds like there is a chance someone could see you while you are working.
It's really thick. Like fuck that I'm not going in there thick. I got 30 plants this year so backpacking water is prolly out of the question unless I absolutely have too
I'm having the same issues..with water that is..I have a fresh stream about 300 yards from both of my places but it is now right out in the open dew to fuckers cutting down trees...I was thinking of getting some flex line ..About 3 inch..and dig a hole just deep enough to bury it ...then secure the hole so the soil weight doesn't pinch it shit and hooking up a water pump only problem is an electric source ...the pump I have is 220 ...I have one I could run off a car battery but I don't think it'll pump that far...I know the 220 one will...and prob the little one...I used the same kind in the coal mines and they pump like's a lot of work I k of..but packing in 50 ta 100 gals of water a day is as well...I would def suggest the tote idea...well atleast for storing water just for watering....use it up first...I like using fresh water ..another thing u could do is when ur feeling froggy and decide to go see ur gals...take some extra water to store in the tote....that way when u get it full u won't have to pack the backpack or buckets with your everytime you's a lot less weight and doesn't look as suspicious. ...I went and made 6 water traps last fall and they are all full to the brim with water right now....I dug holes...about 3x3 or 4x3 and 3 feet was a bitch getting through all the roots and rocks but it's worth it...I thwn got a green ..dark would do.tarp and lined the hole...the rest f them I used clear plastic...pretty thick shit too...I tried to dig them in the middle of brier patches or some place nobody's ever gonna Walk ...I also kinda duh them at low spots and made unnoticeable ditches to the....I laid sticks and dead tree limbs with leaves on the to cover the holes...less of a chance someone will walk over em...or find em....u was thi king of laying screen over top of the hole to keep leaves and shit out ...I prob will when I empty them ....just lay so rocks at the bottom so the plastic doesn't float up...cover the edges with soil and rocks them make it own camo outa works for me man...just a though...desperate times call from desperate measures outdoor guys and real guerilla Growers come up with some shit now let me tell ya
..I always like finding something in the woods and u kbow it was made for some sOrta weed cultivation. ..I'm always like...damn! That's a good idea...or wtf was he thinking ...he should Done it like