store bought setups..

Hello, I have seen a box on bcnl (not sure if I'm allowed to put their full name on here)

I am wondering if this is the best way to go for an inexperienced grower. Are these systems basically user friendly to run, especially for noobs? Anyone here have experience with these that they'd care to share?
Just spoke with their customer service. The boxes are several thousand $$ for one that does 18 plants to harvest under 2-400 watt lights. I can't imagine it costs that much to get a setup started?
Just spoke with their customer service. The boxes are several thousand $$ for one that does 18 plants to harvest under 2-400 watt lights. I can't imagine it costs that much to get a setup started?
Dude check out the DIY section on this forum. You don't need anywhere near thousands of dollars to get started.


Well-Known Member
I bought a tent set up -- excellent for a total newbie. Easy to set up, everything included. The biggest decision was the size of the tent and the wattage for the lights. However, I did find I did need some extra things to have a successful grow, like another fan at the bottom of the tent to push cool air in while the exhaust fan at the top (provided in the kit) pulled hot air out.

As I just said in another post, a lot of people here can tell you how to make your own set up for 1/3 of the price, but I really needed a tent set up that looked clean and contained. So buying a set up worked well for me.

However, it's not the key to a successful grow. The set up is one thing, but leading your plants to maturity requires attention and getting on top of a steep learning curve. The RIU forum is a great place to learn all about that.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Whoah! I just saw the price you quoted. Damn, that's a lot. My grow tent set up was $600 with a 400WT light. Follow Masterchief's advice and look in DIY to see if you can't do it for a lot less.


Well-Known Member
How many plants? DIY with a tent, light,etc. You still spend $$$ as its fun to trick shit out.


Well-Known Member
First I would ask yourself how much medicane you need, that way your set up fits your needs(better to have extra than not enough).I'd expect around a half gram per watt your first grow(eventually 1g+per watt), so plan accordingly. once you know how much/how many lights you need to produce your meds, figure out how much space you will need to efficiently be using ur lights. If I where you I would either buy a tent online, or build one out of dry wall and 2x4s (drywall is very effective easy to ensemble and costs 7 bucks for a 4x8 sheet.) plant number depend on how many you can legally have and how long you want to veg. It sounds like you have some money, A really simple setup to maintain, run, and understand is an ebb and flow table. they come in all sizes 3'x3', 4'x4', 6'x3', 4'x8' ect... I personally would go hydro because bugs are in soil. If you want to do a setup where you hand water pots (every couple days) I would go with smart pots filled with coco/perlite (readygro is the shit). PM me if you have more questions hope i was helpful.
ok, you guys have shown me the way. I couldn't justify that type of expense as a total noob anyway. On to the DIY forum! Thanks