Storage of Cannabis


I'm not a very heavy smoker, and am getting pretty good with my harvests. So my stash is stocking up pretty good. What are some good ways to store cannabis? Does cannabis degrade in potency over time? I have always made the assumption that if it does it is very minimalistic. Now however, that the question actually takes on meaning for me, I figured I would check.

Also, does freezing cannabis do anything to harm it? There are people who regularly come to my house whom I would really rather not have smelling the fruits of my labor. So I have a fair amount of cannabis stored in my freezer (in mason jars) since that keeps the smell waaaaaay down. Before I put anymore in there, I thought I would bounce it off the others.

Whad'ya all think?


Well-Known Member
Yes freezing works well, I cure and seal my bud very well before storing away. Mine always keeps potency and smell!