stop talking to yer plants


Well-Known Member
I'm sick of it, you can pump music in, talk to them etc.
You will see no measurable increase period. I don't care what studies you have read or even if you
have Fallen prey to the placebo effect. It is not happening.
co2 my ass! I'm talking about real increase in weight.

it is hippy Bs that may make you feel special but it is a waste of time and energy.
Go to a nursing home and read to old people or better yet go read to kids at least they will remember it.

But, but, but what about the guy who
was mean to plants and they measured fear coming from the other plants?

So what.

Any more new age stupid questions?
I've had someone try to tell me that blackberry bushes contain THC and that planting your cannabis around them absorbs the THC from them. I prompty kicked him out of my car.
I can't even keep my fucking cats out, as soon as the door opens they pounce. They know I hate it so they scatter in all directions.
I think the pressure differentials fuck with their radar.
it's like a carnival ride.
wigs them out but they return