Stoopid Question


Hello everyone - My name is Greg. I am considering moving to Cali in order to combat some of the chronic pain I suffer from. I am 45 yrs "young" and have already been forced to retire due to my health. I have had 4 major back surgeries and am in a lot of pain all the time. I can still function OK but would like to take advantage of the Medicinal benefits cannabis offers. Any suggestions on where and how I should go about relocating? Looking forward to some helpful advice and suggestions. Have a fluffy day all! :leaf:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU. I was once told by a very wise person that there is never stupid questions, just stupid answers. try craigslist. or try to mingle with the RIU community and see if anyone could offer you advice. enjoy the forums!! :leaf: