Stoner Taboo... HELP!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So all of you enjoy smoking daily, as do i. Well...its gotten expensive beyond the point of being able to have working things like a car...relationship etc. Yes i know i can grow my own but not in my current living situation (apartment with no space). I know its not technically addictive but fuck you if you don't think you have withdrawls. Im already feeling the stomach pains...

Anyway ill be smoking again. About to hopefully get a decent paying job. But i WANT to quit. Im tired of smoking constantly....its like im doing it to maintain a state of mind...not enjoyment. To be honest im burnt out. My body needs 30 clean days. I owe it to myself. I have the will power. Im far from weak...its just i need help people.

I wanna know what might be some good ways to help cope with the sweats and headaches and irritabilty and loss of apetite etc. Obviously advil and lots of water are going to play a huge roll but anyway wish me luck brothers. Ill be seeing you at seattle hempfest with a huge sack. Until then wish me luck on my journey back to whatever normal people deem "normal"

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Alright listen I have some advice, when your in need of green warm milk always helps, well it does for me. And as for you being "addicted" to marijuana it's all psychological. When your ususally turn to weed you do it for an escape, from your real life. It's a relaxation state. I too smoke everyday. You need to learn moderation and space out the times you smoke and don't smoke ridiculous amounts, drink alot of water. exercise. It all helps. Most people will think they are addicted to maryjane but it's what your escaping from is what you like so much, you have to be a man and face all your problems and just live a free life.. thats my 2 cents

and unlike tobacco it doesn't cause chemical dependency. You can overcome any withdrawal symptom, I have. And unless your fat as hell, the first two days will be the worst and the rest you'll feel great.


Well-Known Member
you'll be cool man, you wont get those pains. i didn't and i smoked constantly and then had to cut back to about once a week till i dried up about a month later. but hey everybody's body is different i guess.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how you feel man... My hats off to you if you can make it the 30 days. Keep us posted on how you're feeling and stuff.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Its not addictive pshysically but mental withdrawls do and will always happen. Those will then transfer to your concious pshyical state and effect you. Stomach pains, headaches, irritability, lack of energy etc. all happen. It sucks. Ill keep this updated over the 30 days. Maybe some people can cope easier knowing what to expect.

Day 1. Nothing noticable yet accept some boredom and a stomach ache. We'll see how sleeping goes...if i sleep.


Well-Known Member
I definitely think smoking can be habit forming. So when ever you get the urge to smoke do some pullups or make something to eat. Anything to break your normal routine of smoking whenever you please.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Any psychological withdrawal can be overcome, it's your choice to give in. I know you will have maybe a little cold sweat and headache and nausea but if you stay hydrated and excercise the thc will be out of your system and fat cell tissue within one week. Depends how much work you wanna put in. These are facts I'm not being an ass. Good luck not smoking. pce and next time you do smoke you'll feel like it's your first time all over again.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Its all welcome here hydro. Negative, positive, conductive you know all those. So i fell asleep around 2am. Woke up a few times with some sweats. Don't feel like crap this morning yet. Probably wont. Ya i could work out...but im 5'11" 230 so i have a lot of fat to burn to get rid of all this stored up thc. Im gonna keep hydrated and drink milk...a lot over the next few days. I think once i make it a week ill be legit. Time will tell. Gonna be weird smoking again....i can't wait. Let's hope i don't green out :D

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Lol, im only here to post positive advice, like anyother post. But if you are out of shape and start burning calories you will start loosing weight at ridiculous amounts, thus getting the thc out of your fatty tissue other then that I've heard it can stay up in your fat cells for up to 6 months depending on your physical shape

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I haven't heard 6 months. I heard its usually gone in 30-45 days. Im not obese. Nor am i very lazy. So i dunno. It doesn't even stay in your hair much longer then 3 i dunno. Milk is my friend. Nice thick base to ease my stomach and i add some chocolate to keep my blood sugar up. It works.


Well-Known Member
I also felt like I wasn't using it as a life enhancer, i needed to be high everyday to function right. i smoked everyday for awhile,2 years actually missing a few days here but for the most part i was high everyday. I know it doesnt effect everyone the same but it made me Really unmotivated about my future,You must not let it control you. im not saying it DOES control YOU but i know it did me. I stopped smoking cold turkey 22 days ago. i am moving out in April and need to find a somewhat decent job. I need to get healthy again, and drop about 40 lbs. and need to get back on track, Once i get a job i WILL start up smoking again. Luckily i have an outdoor grow going on so i will not have to worry about wasting any more money on something that i can grow myself.

You'll test negative after 40 days, Most likely it will be closer to 28 or 30.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya dude. Same boat. I can lose 50 pounds and still be perfectly healthy. I have smoked everyday for the 3 few years only missing some days. Its sad. Ya i have no motivation. It needs to come back. 22 days...nice. i can't wait to cheif again...but now i know control is neccessary.


Well-Known Member
Oh dude me too. It sucks seeing my friends all burning, buyin sacks from the club, i had to watch 4 of my friends kill a 1/4 of og platinum kush. But it does get easier too say no after a week or two. Also idk if your emotions got effected or anything, but i used too be damn near emotionless, but now im starting to get those back. Im also no longer a prick when i don't burn. Dont get me wrong,I still LOVE cannabis,Cant wait to smoke,Cant wait to get high again,But i just need things to line up a little bit before i can.


Active Member
how do you get withdrawals from weed? Not like its meth. I smoked everyday then quit for 3 months. only thing that happened was i had trouble going to bed for the first 2 days. My mind kept racing took me 2 hours to fall asleep. no physical pains or anything though thats just weird.


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel,,when i have it i just smoke and smoke and smoke..havent smoked in 5 months now and i do feel better..but i have some growing and will smoke out in sept..stay cool


Active Member
I can't understand why anybody needed to smoke everyday. I smoke one or two hits a month when the mood hits me. The high and taste is worth the wait. After all you can only get so high, beyond that your smoking is just a waste of your stash. Addiction??? It sounds more like bordom. I hadn't smoked for 26 years. (I'm 46 now) The high was better than that first time. WE ALL REMEMBER THAT VIRGIN HIGH. Laughing at nothing, cotton mouth, the croaker hit, headrush and FEELING THAT REAL SPACED OUT FEELING. YA BABY!!!!!!! So... my point is this wait to bake. If you eat candy everyday, it is nothing special. If you have ONE piece of candy a month, OOOOHHHHH YEA!! When candy day comes..... OOOHHH MY GOD. It can't be beat..... Peace out bros...

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Wow they could have alone but they chose not too, people stating marijuana is "addicting" give it a bad name and contribute to its illegality. It's not even a quarter as bad as coming off heroin or any benzo or pain pill the government is feeding you. You can beat it, its simple and easy. No offense to the OP because I feel ya, I know what it's like the first couple days, the lethargy and stomache pains. But in reality you won't come close to any life threatening during your "withdrawl" if you even want to call it that, unless you have other certain health conditions that should be obvious though. The thc will be out of your fatty tissue in a week or less, like I said before, warm milk is a good remedy. Keep hydrated and excersixe, get all the excess stuff the can't be metabolised flushed out with in your urin. Some people are more addictive prone then other people, I'm not saying everyone is the same, moral support is not gonna hurt. But in my opinion going to "treatment" for coming off herb is just ridiculous.