
Well-Known Member
A new study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finds that drivers who use marijuana are at a significantly lower risk for a crash than drivers who use alcohol. And after adjusting for age, gender, race and alcohol use, drivers who tested positive for marijuana were no more likely to crash than who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to driving.

....and everybody knows it makes you drive better
I laugh so hard if later on the legal weed states have way fewer highway deaths due to less alcohol use

Road rage is one thing for sure to be better if more drivers medicated while driving, right now some drivers get too edgy, too quickly, they need to chill out and relax
I laugh so hard if later on the legal weed states have way fewer highway deaths due to less alcohol use
Road rage is one thing for sure to be better if more drivers medicated while driving, right now some drivers get too edgy, too quickly, they need to chill out and relax
I hadnt thought about road rage contributing to the statistics but you're right...many, many drivers need to chill the fuck out before driving.
I gotta have a couple dabs before I get behind the wheel
same here...i just try not smoke at the same time I'm driving. And some of the time I'm actually successful.
We need a limit over here like we have with alcohol.

I got done weed driving but my levels were very low, still awaiting lab test results for fine.

I took the piss for 20 years but never did D D. It was a lesson. Even the police said I seemed fit to drive and then took my bike off me!

Now I hardly go out on my bike unless I feel really clear headed and haven't smoked for hours.

Of course I understand that we can't go driving around the city stoned but what if we had smoked the night before? We need clarification here as usual.
The po po pulled me over at 2am a few months ago and tried to weed ui me. I had just smoked a fatty joint like 10 minutes before I got pulled over. I thought I was going to jail when I saw back up pull up. Then they pulled me from the car and I passed the sobriety tests like a boss and made the cops so mad they wrote me 2 bogus tickets that ended up getting dropped.
So they still pull that shit, what a joke.

Yeah U never hear the benefits of weed, notice how the talk about road rage isn't as much in the news.

I'm against a set limit, look what they did to alcohol....first drunk driving did not happen until .15 and impaired was at .10 today drunk is at .08 and some places its .05 I know Ontario Canada has .05 now and the USA has already said they like to see the limit drop to .05 here in the states.

People need to be left alone, nobody drives perfectly all of the time, nobody. Driving is a risk, like it or not and nothing can really be done about it. U take a risk every time U even go near a roadway..every profession has traffic accidents, even police officers..nobody drives perfect all of the time. Thats a fact of life and yet some try to twist stuff around and claim things that are not true
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If they really wanted to make people better drivers, they would start teaching people how to drive while they are still young. Yet things are going the other direction. Many kids in high school today never drive a car, some don't drive until after college..think how well U would ride a bicycle if U never rode a bike until U were in your 20's..the same with even walking.

Now I hear from 30 somethings how they are so scared to drive in a snow storm. One gal was saying how she was on the phone with her mother for the whole drive cause she was so scared of driving on snow covered roads. Bet she was another person that learn too late in life how to drive a car.

My old man got my ass behind the wheel at age 14, at 15 when a had my driving permit, he would take me out driving in bad weather. Freaken pouring rain outside and he hands me the keys and said lets go for a drive, I was like its pouring rain outside and he went, thats why U are going for a drive, anybody can drive in good weather, U are going to be a good driver in bad weather
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It's kinda funny when you are driving around ripped, and all you see is sober people near-missing or actually slamming into one another.

Sometimes it pisses me off too, though. Same assholes wrecking their cars would just assume they are better drivers than some stoner, even while they watch their own car being lifted onto the tow truck.

2012- 5.5 million reported highway accidents. Most were sober.
driving baked isn't anywhere as close as bad as driving drunk as fuck, but weed does make you make delayed reaction time. lmao now that i think about it, whenever my buddy gets baked and drives he hits twice as much potholes lol
It's kinda funny when you are driving around ripped, and all you see is sober people near-missing or actually slamming into one another.
Sometimes it pisses me off too, though. Same assholes wrecking their cars would just assume they are better drivers than some stoner, even while they watch their own car being lifted onto the tow truck.

2012- 5.5 million reported highway accidents. Most were sober.
And those people don't end up in jail without a drivers license...we got 2 standards if U rear end the person in front of U, if sober its just a minor ticket which comes off your driving record in around 7 years depending on the state and nothing else. However if U smell of weed/ booze, then many times its jail and U got a criminal record and your driving record is damaged forever..maybe after around 20 years a DUI comes off, depends on the state but your criminal record shows a DUI forever.

Yeah I understand driving while drunk is major problem and very risky but then sober people crash also and face much less penalties, that isn't fair
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driving baked isn't anywhere as close as bad as driving drunk as fuck, but weed does make you make delayed reaction time. lmao now that i think about it, whenever my buddy gets baked and drives he hits twice as much potholes lol

Depends on the person and maybe the strain of weed.

Speaking of reaction time, what about people who drive with only their right foot ? I believe they still teach people to drive that way, your right foot for both the gas and the brake pedal. For a couple of years I drove that way but for high speed driving I drove with my left foot resting on the brake pedal so I could start to brake while my right foot was coming off the gas....U brake a half second quicker that way.....the one day it dawn on me that maybe I should drive with both feet all of the time. That was 30 years ago, do I bump the car in front of me, nope
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Depends on the person, maybe the strain of weed.

Speaking of reaction time, what about people who drive with only their right foot ? I believe they still teach people to drive that way, your right foot for both the gas and the brake pedal. For a couple of years I drove that way but for high speed driving I drove with my left foot resting on the brake pedal so I could start to brake while my right foot was coming off the gas....U brake a half second quicker that way.....the one day it dawn on me that maybe I should drive with both feet all of the time. That was 30 years ago, do I bump the car in front of me, nope
yeah probably just indica which we usually smoke
I laugh so hard if later on the legal weed states have way fewer highway deaths due to less alcohol use

Road rage is one thing for sure to be better if more drivers medicated while driving, right now some drivers get too edgy, too quickly, they need to chill out and relax
