still looking the same


my girls continue to have the same look they have not gotten any worse from the last time I posted but they have not showed any sing of recovery. they still do not have any smell at all I jus cut off all the fan leaves that were yellowing and brown.:wall: any suggestion. I posted pics they are under new pics. CAN I GET SOME HELP I AM GETTING VIEWS BUT NO REPLIES?????



Active Member
Leaves wont recover after nute burn, nute deficiency or damage, it will just get worse until it dies. The important part is that your plant doesn't continue to exhibit the same symptoms. So watch it closely to make sure you've got it under control and you are getting healthy new growth. It looks like you might be overfeeding Nitrogen a little bit too.


Active Member
Never saw your original post, but if its in soil? looks over watered and pretty heavy on the nutes either way soil or hydro. Not sure bout lighting either.


Active Member
Wow um ya i would recommend a new camera, and also its true the leaves never recover after they have been damage. If they turn yellow in the future its normal when they are budding it means they are almost ready to chop down. But yes just make sure it doesnt get worse, and as for the smell? i have no idea what to tell you there, i would say lucky but idk maybe someone else can answer question