still having trouble drying


Active Member
so it seems no matter what i do i can not maintain the stickiness smell, or dryness i desire. i get a nice smooth smoke. good cure. but for some odd reason my buds seem too dry. i let dry until hard on outside and jar and burp but i never seem to get that moisture and stickiness at the end. any ideas. drying tent humidity is set to 55. temp mid 70s


Active Member
Raise humidity a little to 60-65 and temps at like 70 extend ur time. Are they in darkness when drying? Do you do the stem test when ur drying?there fans for air movement?


Active Member
yes they are in dark tent. no lights. i do the stem test. i got fans in there as well as a cfm fan to exhaust


Well-Known Member
I just saw the "stem test" above. If you're waiting until the stems snap to start curing that's a sure fire way to always have over dry buds that will not cure. You gotta have moisture in those flowers to cure em.


Active Member
so dont let em snap. right now i have some that are dry on the outside stems are brittle but not yet to cracking this a good time to jar them?


Active Member
Yea the steam test is to make sure they still bend but are dry and don't snap, if they snap u went to long. If the outside of the bud feels dry but the stem still bend and doesn't snap ur good. If buds feel dry and u bend and snap to long


Active Member
Always afraid of jarring wet bud. Learned that's a no go. I'll jar 2mo. Fig I'd let dry a little longer. I Turned dehumidifier to 60 and the leaves go a little softer. Think they are still a little too wet to jar. Stems are still kinda bendy. There's a dent in them when I bend but not any sound at all


Well-Known Member
Put them in a paper bag. If you don't have time to burp and move buds around everyday paper bags are a great way to slow down the drying process without the risk of mold.1438314447717.jpg


Active Member
I usually just throw bovedas in the jars to not have to burp. They are nice n sticky right now and smell great. Think I'll jar in a few hrs. Anything over 65rh I'll dry more


Well-Known Member
Hi, I have been using this method for years with good results, get some big mason jars and tape a Bovedo pack inside the lid and that's about it, no more messing around.
The packs are about $1. Each, I buy them 10 at a time to make sure I always have some on hand. If you have not tried this it is worth you're time to at the very least to try it.


Well-Known Member
personally, i trim the branches, then hang them to dry for 3 days, then i cut the nugs off the branches and put them in brown paper bags for a couple of days before jarring. i always get an amazing cure and my buds stay sticky and not dry