steroid room????


Active Member
i was andering what peoples thought were on my grow room idea i drew a picture so u got the hint:eyesmoke:

do you think the plants would grow faster and more healthy if i mounted a 400 watt hps above all the plants (giving the plants there reds) then on all 4 walls mounted with the bulbs facing about the middle of the plant have 75-100 watt flourecent lights to give the blues, i think it would work really well because the plant would get both shades and also the lower leaves would be getting light so they would die and possibly grow a much better plant then durring flowering just unplug the flourecents



Well-Known Member
Well by your pic its kinda hard to determine everything needed to know.
1-i hope you will be doing more than 3 plants with all that light power put into effect and if not then
2-you wont need that extra light with a 400w hps kicking out in such a small room if it can only in fact fit 3 plants.htg supply has these bulbs that are dual arc meaning they have the metal halide arc in it and the high pressure sodium to give out more of the dual spectrum of light without messing with more lights so that might be in your interest.
3-if the room will only fit 3 plants and im only basing off your picture than you might want to invest in an air cooled ballast if you havent already.and def work on your ventilation if you dont have that down yet cause in the room that it looks like your doing than your biggest threat will def be heat.
just some suggestions and things to think about. hope the best to you and will check on this post when i get off work.


Active Member
no the room drawing was just an idea to show where i wanted to possition the lamps im mainly wandering if this would be a good idea this is just an example but the reason i thought of this is because with my setup now and many people i see the lower part of the plant gets no light and has low growth this is why im wandering if you possitioned lights on the sides the the plants would grow healthier and yield more possibly (dont about the amount of plant watts and heat and all that just give me your imput on the fact of there being more then one light source to just the top of the plant)


Well-Known Member
Well yeah more light would be better especially if you could get it to the bottom of the plants but a wise grower once told me to not make it complicated just get the setup working and then put more into it as you see fit.who knows your light might reach the bottom and if not look into LST.then you really dont have to worry about the bottom do oyu?