stem mold question


hey all-
growing outdoor in norcal and these last few weeks my plants have been plagued by budrot and grey mold. i cut all the moldy buds and toss and have been spraying a fungicide for the last few weeks. now ive noticed a couple spots of grey mold on some stems- and the buds above seem to be choking- yellow, dry, droopy leaves almost like they've lost their water supply. there isn't any sign of budrot on those but i can tell they're dying. should i cut the whole stem below the mold?- and if so are those buds infected?
-any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member

just found a few stems with stem mold/rot on them today and wondering what the prognosis is from some experienced outdoor growers.

i know you guys are out there, i demand answers :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Actinovate kinda works. So does baking soda or food grade peroxide. Nothing will cure it, it is systemic. You can try moving them inside at night with a dehumidifier. Lately I have been spot treating stem mold outbreaks with a pocket torch lighter. Just zap the stem for 1 sec, the mold singes and it will buy you another week or so haha just make sure no buds are in the way!! Haha