Stem looks like someone pinched it now the plants drooping


Active Member
they're only like a week old but one of them just recently drooped down like it was growing straight up then the plant just bent towards the soil like a 90 degree angle.... hard to explain... and a little section down towards the soil looks like the stem isnt as thick
anyone know what this means?!?!
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Well-Known Member
Put soil in up to the leaf and get a light close, 1/2" away.....and fan to strengthen
the stem....... good luck

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Had one that looked exactly like that curvy one....move that light right over em if youre using cfls, and start a fan out on low for a few days oscillating on them...then as the stems get stronger, put it on medium and leave it that way a while...eventually you can put it on high.OH, And put em each in their own pot before they get too big.


Well-Known Member
Seperate the seedlings in different pots in a day or 3.
The roots will become tangled and fucked up....And u dont wouldnt want that.
Get more soil up there and move lights closer.
Fan on low ,27/7.
Keep lights either 24/0 or 18/6.
lightly mist each plant once a day for another week and water only when top of the soil is dry and even then,do it gently.
Dont nute untill it is 3 weeks since sprouting.
Give it love.
Do that and you will be fine.
Oh,and keep an eye out for bugs.
Just in case.