A lot of my veg plants stem is rotting and snapping.. I had 19 vegging plants.. Only like 10 survived.
When I transplanted they snapped. Is this sign of pests or fungi? My veg room does get a bit chilli since it has no heat in there and only thing that warms is up is my lights. My thermo read the lowest has 65.
My other 7 flowering plants didn't do any of that but it was also during the end of summer when they were vegging.
When I transplanted they snapped. Is this sign of pests or fungi? My veg room does get a bit chilli since it has no heat in there and only thing that warms is up is my lights. My thermo read the lowest has 65.
My other 7 flowering plants didn't do any of that but it was also during the end of summer when they were vegging.