stem damage? what can/should I do? thanks


New Member

I started tie-down last week (used thick cotton twine). About 3 days ago I noticed this "damage" at the bottom of the stem. The location seems close to where the string was (I moved it a few mm upward after 24 hours for better stabilization of the stem).

So far plant seems growing fine. I am not sure if I should do anything about it? If so, what can I do?




Active Member

I started tie-down last week (used thick cotton twine). About 3 days ago I noticed this "damage" at the bottom of the stem. The location seems close to where the string was (I moved it a few mm upward after 24 hours for better stabilization of the stem).

So far plant seems growing fine. I am not sure if I should do anything about it? If so, what can I do?

I would wait and observe if the wound just gets woody, than I would leave it. Otherwise you may need some fungicide treatment of that wound and that plug would not hurt to treat also.


New Member
Thanks. I do have some H2O2 I can mix if needed. Just hope this thing won't kill the plant.

Btw, that "plug" stuff around the stem is rapid rooter. There is no soil in the system, not sure if that makes a difference in the diagnosis though.


Well-Known Member
All you can do is hope for the best and wait for it to heal..
Looks like your rapid-rooter may have been to wet..