

Well-Known Member
Hey rollers! Planning a perpetual stealth op :> I was kicked out of my mom's boyfriends (bfs) because he smelled me smoking in the bathroom at his current residence where a runs interviews for his business etc. Even though that occurred last nNovember, i was offered to rent a house with my mom from her bf who won't be living there. I was confused considering the circumstances i was kicked out for i obviously am not quitting to move and she had dismissed it being an issue if i smoked outside, LOL! If she knew how often i smoke. moving back with mom ewww no thanks but then her bf bought a small 500sqft house to put on that same property out in the country. >:D since the house is spanking new i doubt he'll need to inspect until after the year. My mom may want to visit but we'd probably visit at her house since it'll be bigger. So I'm wondering my risk of getting caught with a 4x2 tent 400watter and 175w in the top 4 ft of a 2x2x6. Besides light pinholes and obvious ducting/wiring, with a luggage lock on the tents and cardboard boxes by vents on sides, how easy is it to stay under the radar? Noone will be there except me so lots of alone time. But incase he actually wants to inspect or my mom wants to come over for whatever, how easy is it to find out what the tent is for really if i throw a jacket on top of one and say they're clothes storage and lock the zippers with luggage locks? Someone put into perspective how risky itd be with the 2 HIDs inline carbon'd and 6x6x2 ft of tents on the wall next to my bed? :o no closet space

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
dude, check out some of us who are growing inside of furnature, like mine is inside of a wardrobe cabinet, or some are inside of dressers,, or inside of refridgerators, then your growing inside of something that looks like it belongs, and is totaly stealth, no light no smell, it works wonders, I have people sit right next to my grow box and they have no clue,, while i just smile, need some links to some i can help you


Well-Known Member
I've considered that option but I feel like my yields would be a lot less with my shotty carpentry skills i got a great design for a cabinet but light proofing a dry compartment with ventilation using plywood would be difficult for me id imagine

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
at least your honest with yourself, I have seen some threads here and there on stealthy a tent, not sure how, but youll think of something, go for it


Well-Known Member
I would go with the furniture. It will hold sound in better. Craigslist and thrifts stores are your friend. If u get one from Walmart. Go to Lowes. Buy a sheet of plywood.have them cut it to the size of the back. Since they have that cardboard back. If u have a drill. A whole saw may be all u need. Corners and gaps can be fillies with caulkinging. My building skills suck. But I put together a square box with plywood. And used caulking and duck tape to fill any light leaks. Its not hard. The furniture makes itclook better and more stealthy. Good luck in your grow.