Stealth like a ninja.


Well-Known Member
Heres my first growbox and 2 germinating seeds. Amazing what masking tape, a cardboard box, $3.00 (Light Base), $11 (45w "150w" Compact Flourescent Bulb 2700 lumens), Some Aluminum foil, and a computer powersupply + fan can do.

By the way the box is 30cm x 30cm and 61cm tall and when opened with the one light on inside is physically blinding. My eyes burn thinking about it.
Comments and suggestions would be appreciated :) :joint:

Codename: Box-O-Sox

Inside Box-O-Sox

Obey the fan cover

And suprisingly check out my thermo readings (Inside Box)

After leveling off (Being shut) the thermo reading is holding steady at 86 degrees. Sounds like paradise to me.

For a chuckle I started up a 3 day reggae music marathon.


Well-Known Member
wow, it looks suprisingly good for a cardboard box....i have a similar box, made out of a desk....and i ran into a little problem, the height! how tall is your box?? are you going to get a bigger the plants get bigger?.

if you are going to veg. in that box, you will prob need more space, and more light.


Well-Known Member
This has occured to me. However I do have an in-depth guide to bonzai handy. I was thinking a pair of dwarfed plants.


Well-Known Member
yea, you know i have always wanted to grow it like that. yea that would work for sure, just grow some short bushes. that is a great method.


Well-Known Member
There is another part to the genius of the Box-O-Sox project.

Because it is a cardboard box and I know where I can get my hands on many more just like it, I can cut the bottom of the origional box off and stack it on another box allowing me to grow my plant a little bigger.

Also if i needed to i could bust out the refridgerator box and make a Box-O-Sox Sr.


Well-Known Member
I also thought I'd mention my germination process because my bag seeds are at least around a year old. I must admit I am quite suprised at their voracity. the two pots in the picture contain pre-germinated seedlings.

They were germinated using the paper towel method and a bit of greenthumbery and digging through a few pantrys i found a small black tupperware container with a clear lid. Now the clear lid might not seem promising but I cover it with a black cloth to block the light.

I take each individual seed and gently scrape and scuff at the seams with a pocket knife then begin germination.

Heres the kicker. Im utilizing the already present head from my monitor by setting my germinator (on a coaster of course) on the back portion of the CRT. On my monitor (over a coaster) the air is 90 degrees farenheit. This creates a rainforest humidity that not only keeps your towels wet all day but the seeds just soak it up like champs.

Every single one of the 7 buggers i picked out to test has sprouted or is in the process of. Thats right 100% yield in 24-48 hours.

(i figured id play the numbers game and it bit me in the arse.)


Well-Known Member
or you could save time...and just stack another box ontop of your current box.
insted of doing it the other way around.
thats cool that all 7 seeds germinated, i also have a good germ method. you kno how laptops, have a charger cord, with a batt. on it?
well they do, and it gets rather warm, so i just place my container ontop of the warm batterie/charger and it works great. 4 of them popped after only 1 day of germinating.

also, i belive yeild is how much bud you get in the how do you yeild from just germinated seeds?


Well-Known Member
OH man glad to see you on actually. I was wondering how much should i water the sprouts before they emerge from the soil? I get it good and wet on the top and due to the pot being the bottom of a 3litre bottle the water seems to soak in evenly.

Two more seeds finished germinating over night and I found that I can fit 4 little pots in there.

Also how long untill I should expect to see a sprout?

Haha the new HIGH temperature in my box is 88 farenheit


Well-Known Member
Hottest part of the day. Ambient box temperature 91 farenheit. Still no signs of sprouts. I watered it pretty good so im letting it dry up a bit before i add any water (Luckily my grow pots are clear so i can see how deep the water table is.)


Well-Known Member
There are now 3 sprouts 2 of which are being stubborn breaking the surface and the first one to pop of them all is starting to bend its self upward.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Couple things here.Aluminum foil is very bad to use as it caused hot spots and will burn similar to magnafying glass.The temp is too high need to keep it closer to 78 F otimol.The soda bottles are too small to use and they are clear exposing the roots to light which is not good and can kill them.Those light are only good enough for new seedlings or clones you can try to veg but you wont get much from them.You definately will be wasting time if you try to veg with them.Good grow in imaginary but all wrong for really doing it...sorry if I crushed any dreams I'm just trying to help..


Well-Known Member
I dont quite think you understand the bonsai concept. these plants arent meant to be getting tons of light because im dwarfing them. I cant produce a full plant because i live in a drafty apartment. you'll see it'll work.


Well-Known Member
either way, your temp is to high, and dont use tinfoil.
and you dont want your roots exsposed to light.
let your seedlings pop up through the soil on there own, when they push a clump of soil up, you can move it...and exspose it.
and...i forgot what lights you are using, but good cfl lights are effective. find cfl daylight bulbs..blueish color for vegg.
good luck man


Well-Known Member
well go get the right ones. you need bluish ones to vegg., and more orangeish if you are going to flower with them...and alot of them