stealth ideas


Well-Known Member
I Got some Plants growing out in the back yard cause i can't keep em inside cause my gf don't like the idea of growing dope. My problem is when summer ends i want to keep some clones growing all winter but i have nowhere to hide the grow. Anyone know any good indoor stealth ideas??? or even any ideas of something that they can stay in something outside and stay warm enough??


Well-Known Member
If you just want to keep some clones alive over winter, you could use a PC tower with a couple of CFLs inside. If you want to actively grow, you will need to scale things up a bit, in which case I would recommend a small cupboard/box/rubbermaid setup. It will be hard to keep an active grow stealthy, and i would recommend a carbon filter if you go down this route, to remove the smell.

Keep working on your GF though. Most say no at first, but can usually be talked round if you introduce the idea slowly, and promise to keep the grow small and discreet.


Well-Known Member
I like the rubbermaid setup the only problem i have with the indoor stealth setup is how in the hell do i hide the wires running into the box?? I mean a box is easy to hide...a box with wires running ito the lid for the light and the constant hum of a fan, cmon its noticeable right away. Any thoughts on this matter?