Stealth Hydro Grow


Active Member
My 1st grow. White Widow, I got the seeds from Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. No hassles there. They delivered as promised in about 10 days.

I am using the Steath Hydro system with 2 dual spectrum high output CFL's...8400 lumens. Using the basic SH grow and bloom nutes with their micro supplement. Essentially just following their directions to the letter and listening to the Pro's here. What a great source of knowledge this site offers.

I admit this system is expensive for what you get, and I could have built it much cheaper myself...but for a totally raw newbie it has been very easy. Only thing I would change would be to go with a stronger lighting system but my budget (and my space) wouldn't allow for it. I am adding two more of the high output CFL's this weekend. As a note on the CFL's my electric bill was lower than this time last year.

Vegged for 40 days and went 12/12 on May 8. Three of the 6 are showing as female. The other three I can't tell yet.



Active Member
Awesome man! I am waiting on the same system to come by mail and then going to try Snow White. This is going to be a total noob question but are you using 2 of the Veg lights now then switching to 2 of the flowering lights or are you just using one of each?


Active Member
No...they recommend using both throughout veg and bloom. I am getting two more (one of each) to bump it up a little. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
hi i am a newbie i have a dwc from homegrown hydroponics it is called a flowering chamber i am haveing came but together i transplanted a seedling from dirt with 4 leves about 2 weeks ago and it has not grown anybut is still green my ph is at6.8 my nuts are high but am high should the water be on my net pots also it has 2 flors 20w both i belive cool should i get one hot should i cut the root it only has one and when do i switch to the hps that is mounted in it sorry so long thank you


Active Member
Wish I could help you there. In the SH Bubbleponics system, the water level never gets to the net pots. As I understand it in DWC the plants practically sit in the nutes...wish I could be more help.


Well-Known Member
nice - they're bushier than a 70's porn actress.

I almost bought of of those systems but shipping to Australia was almost as expensive as the bloody system.

you should turn the flowering stages of this grow into a journal - i'd be keen to see some updates on how it comes along.


Active Member
pnseekr, I have the same system and it works fine. I use the two dual spectrum 65's on either side and put a 1,000 w hps above. The hps helps big time through flower. Your right they are hard to fit into the budget. I went on craigslist and found the 1,000 w hps with ballast for $80. So check e-bay and craigslist every once in a while sometimes you catch a deal. My electrical bill only went up $20 and I also have a big scrubber, fans, co2, etc so its not that bad. Peace.
PS: Buy feminized seeds and the granular nutes that your using can be hard for the roots to fully absorb even if you are putting them through a strainer, Ionic liquid nutes are the best.


Well-Known Member
thank you i am new at this what or 65s and where do i get them also how did you chance your hps i cant see how to get it as a 600 now and i will chance nutes


Well-Known Member
hey, i have this system, i just bought it cept the package w.o the lights and i have a 400w mh lamp going i think i am about 2 and a half weeks in veg. This system is pretty good, i share the same thoughts it could have been cheaper to build but good for a newb to buy and start, i think i am growing some type of skunk not really sure tho, heress some pics

all in all its not a bad system at all, kinda small but i love it =]


Active Member
Hey sTOKEd I remember the bushy 70' I'll post pics as they come along.

IHeart...I'm looking on CL and Ebay today. Why didn't I think of that? I'll keep the advice on the nutes. I know there have to be better out there. You know...I just took what they gave me and went with it.

MrEverything...that's a nice setup you have. Looks like you did 4 instead of 6...that's a good idea because as you can see in mine, it does get a little crowded.


Active Member
Nice man! I have the same setup going right now with some white rhinos growing. I Just got done with my 42nd day of veg, and i switched them to 12/12 today. Looking good!