stealth grow with organics?


Well-Known Member
[HR][/HR]My grow is all about stealth. I wanted to go organic use earth juice and brew it into teas. My question is can i brew it in a bucket with the lid on tight to keep the smell down or should the lid be left off when brewing. Also after you brew it how can i store it to last longer so i dont have to brew so often? Does any one know of any organics that you dont have to bubble Thanks.


Well-Known Member
IMHO there is little gain in oxygenating fertilizers. Better off watering the ferts in separately from microbial tea. The benefit of the tea is the increase in microbial population. You can do this very effectively on a small scale (1 liter is enough for 1000 sq ft as a soil drench). That should be enough for any indoor grow. In order to properly aerate 4 gallons of liquid you would need quite a strong air pump (expensive and loud). 1 liter on the other hand can be aerated with a cheap and quiet aquarium pump.

Organic fertilizer has soluble and insoluble NPK. The soluble NPK is already available to the plant and does not need further processing. The soluble NPK is basically microbial waste which is why you are better off watering that in separately. The insoluble portion is food for the microbes and that is what will increase their numbers.

If you have lots of fresh earth worm castings in your soil you probably do not even need the microbial boost from ACT. EWC stores fine but ACT does not at all. Therefore maybe you would be better off starting a worm bin. Done properly they have no smell at all. I currently have two bins in my living room and my OL does not even notice them. We feed them only organic scraps (no newspaper or cardboard) and the quality of the castings are much better than store bought. You can use dry leaves for bedding instead of paper.

If you do want to brew microbial tea here is a recipe from Microbeman:
1 liter clean water
25ml EWC
5ml molasses
2ml kelp meal
1ml fish hydrolysate

Organics are great for stealth, good luck!


Active Member
stealth grow with organics?
[HR][/HR]My grow is all about stealth. I wanted to go organic use earth juice and brew it into teas. My question is can i brew it in a bucket with the lid on tight to keep the smell down or should the lid be left off when brewing.​

Bubbling should be done with the lid off to increase gas exchange at the surface of the water. The point of bubbling EJ is to stabilize (raise its usually real acidic pH) not to "brew" beneficials. To brew bennies you also need a source of the organisms such as EWC or compost or living soil. Air pumps are not the most stealth way to grow organic, but AACT absolutely is a good idea with organic cultivation.

Also after you brew it how can i store it to last longer so i dont have to brew so often? Does any one know of any organics that you dont have to bubble Thanks.

You want to use it ASAP after bubbling, if you store it without air pumping through it it can go anaerobic pretty quick. You lose stealth there due to stench when you reopen it! AACT is alive so also should be used immediately. There are tons of brands of liquid organic ferts that you dont need to bubble like EJ, Roots Organics, GO, Age Old Organics etc that can simply be diluted and watered in at every other watering. You can also bubble them if you don't mind an extra step (GO label says not to though). Just dont monitor and hawk pH like a hydro guy and you should be fine. My pH goes way low when mixed and always run off at a perfect 6.3, living soil does pH adjusting for you.;-)


Well-Known Member
you can always use Grower's Secret Products, they are fully organic and you can treat them as if they were synthetic


Well-Known Member
you can always use Grower's Secret Products, they are fully organic and you can treat them as if they were synthetic
what are you a rep? are you being paid by them? you keep bumping their stuff like crazy, however the products that you can buy have very minute amounts of the actual "growers secret" the real stuff is in a tiny glass vial and its 60$ k-i-s-s keep it simple stupid its an acronym for life, growing, and combat.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fo r the replies. I decided to go roots organic i was told to just mix and use. The smell is very minimal too.


Well-Known Member
cool let us know your results, have a few people doing roots currently and they like it so far, havent seen a final in person from roots yet but looks promising. just dont forget the benefit from using molasses.


Well-Known Member
Yea I got some grandma's,all I can find around here. So far I'm loving the roots line up with there original soil = DYNOMITE!!!!


Earth Juice you can just mix and use also, just make sure you have plenty of dolomite lime in your soil (which is a good idea anyways for Ca and Mg).