stealth grow room help


Active Member
I have a small area in my apartment that I want to turn into a grow room. It is about 3'x3' and about 6' tall. Problem areas that I need help with are; I live right on the road with neighbors at arms reach from me, so outside vents are out, absolutely zero light can be noticed, painting the walls white is no good, and I need to be able to have no smell from the plants. I am on a fairly tight budget so buying $150+ lights or fans are out. I am pretty handy when it comes to building things or stringing up wires so it shouldn't be a problem if some curve balls are thrown. I haven't touched the area yet so all help is welcome. I have done tons of research, but nothing really seems to fit what my room.


Active Member
flooresent bulbs(highest wattage) one on top and one on each side this would be ur best bet for having low money


Well-Known Member
Why don't you take a look at my grow below buddy. I have the same situation and almost identical space and I'm about to harvest for the second time next month.


Active Member
Agreed! if i was you i would get a few cfls wiring em up hook em to a timer and you good for light, try to get an oscialliting fan in there, block off all windows or anywhere light can get in or escape, you can hang some mylar its cheap and will help and is removable. Im a noob at this im on my first grow but everything is going good, anyways trust trying to help, for smell i use ONA Block and a couple other odor repellant things found at local stores, you really cant smell mine but im in veg, so in flower smell will be stronger you can make some things to fight smell just search around i have heard of a slow drip of pine sol into kitty litter. makes it smell like you were cleaning. well i hope this helped you a little but again in new lol incase you dont know for cfls you want 5000k-6500k (daylight or bright white) for veg and 2700k-3000k (warm or soft white) for flower. if im wrong on anything please correct me someone


Active Member
There should be plenty of room for a fan, the main thing I am worried about is venting and air circulation, i will have to seal this thing off tighter than a nuns snatch. I can't have any light at all coming out from this area. well that and smell. that cat litter thing is pretty cool, I will give it a shot and see how it works before I get this thing rolling.


New Member
honestly its a shame you cant get some nice lights up in there... the biggest parts of growing are ( genetics - lights - enviorment) which will determine how much and what quality buds you get...... if thats your situation then i would suggest picking up some reflective paper from a local store ( as a cheap mylar replacement) pick up some plastic pots... about 2-3 gallons( a gallon per foot of growth) get some potting soil and mix with some perlyte to make it airy ( look for specific mix's via search) then make a cheap cfl fixture ( search humbolt ) his grow thread is all cfls and he has an excelent cfl fixture that he made for cheap... after that i would get a cheap hydrometer ( humidity and temp) buy some cheap ferts and put in some basic ventalation ... which should keep the cost around 100$ .... then i would suggest ordering some good quality seeds online... you can get them cheap (15-20 bucks from mandela) genetics are the most influencial factor so i wouldent suggest using crap seeds...


Active Member
I figure that I will start with fluorescents, 2 from above and 1 on each wall. Once I get some more money I might go out and buy an HID, that way I will have light to get myself going, and I will have some for veg and cloning after I get the HID. How long does it take to have the air go stale? I need to find a way to circulate the air w/o having any light come out or any noise from intake and exhaust fans. With the exhaust I will need to filter the air for smell, which in turn should block the light, but with intake I need some way to block the light yet still allow adequate air flow in. I am going to try using the Baking soda and Vinegar trick for Co2. So any ideas with the air flow would be great. I am going to be growing in soil from seed, they are from a pretty killer bag I had, so I figure I will start off with out having to pay for seeds but if this goes well, I will be hunting down some better ones. I was thinking about using some out door survival blankets for the walls, what do you think. thanks for the input so far you guys are great.


Active Member
Anyone else have any ideas on ventilation, I was thinking about putting a small fan possibly a large computer fan for intake. I still need some ideas on exhaust though. Are there any good filters that will take the smell out? I have seen a few different charcoal filters, home made and purchased. Is there 1 better than another?


New Member
yes blankets will work for the walls...and for the start you just need an exaust... plants wont smell till they flower... at that time put in a carbon filter or something else yes computer fans will work... your room is about 56 cubed feet.. so get something that can move atleast that... you want to move your air once every 3 mins ( minimum) but 2-3 times an minute would be between 50-200 sq CFM to make the vents air proof you could put over some type of black screen or filter... or you could do something that covers it up.. something like an upside down 7
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^ opening


Active Member
For the pinesol, is there a set up that you use? How do you get it to just drip in the kitty litter rather than piss into the litter. I tried it out, but the bottle drained out in less than an hour. As far as the upside down 7 thing, do you have a website that has a step by step or pictures or something that I could get a better idea? so far I have 4 hikers blankets for the walls and ceiling hung up. I think it will be a good little grow room when it is done. I will post pics when I get it finished.


Active Member
I was thinking about making an exhaust vent box. I would take a box, cardboard or whatever I can find, attach a fan and filter to one side and vent hose on another. I figure that will block out any light coming through, plus I can add something inside the box to mask the smell when my babies starts to flower. I drew a picture using paint, I will figure out how to post it


New Member
seems like a reasonable idea... it would take up some space in your grow room.. but if thats not an issue i would just make sure you have enough power in that fan... or 2 fans.. the 90 degree bend then a few feet of tubing will lower the efficiency of your fan


Active Member
I was thinking about wiring up a couple of computer fans I have laying around the house. As far as it taking up room, I was thinking about hanging it out of the way. I figure it will be either a 6" or 8" cubed, or whatever I can find that is close to that. I was thinking having the exhaust up near the ceiling, and the intake at the floor. Is the air coming off the floor going to be too cold, or are the lights going to put off enough heat so that it shouldn't matter?


New Member
it shouldent matter... lights get pretty hot depending on what you have... any lights should atleast keep the room warm ... if it gets to cold just cut down the size of the intake


Active Member
I took the time and drew up what I was thinking about doing.

2- 4' 4 bulb fixtures 40,000 lumens
3- 2' 2 bulb fixtures 12,000 lumens
possibly 1- 2' 2 bulb fixture hanging 4,000 lumens if needed
All lights are T-5 HO

Insulated platform to keep plants off the floor

Walls lined with hiking safety blankets, for reflection and insulation (NASA uses them to insulate the space shuttle)

Floor lined with a tarp for water protection, and a white sheet over that

Exhaust box- illustrated earlier, I will tinker around with it for best results

1- Fan for air circulation

1- Kitty litter and Pinesol for odor control, maybe something different not sure yet.

2- baking soda and vinegar set ups for CO2

So is this set up going to grow plants? I haven't purchased anything yet so I can redesign if I need to. If my calculations are right the lights should be putting off about 52k lumens. Is that going to be enough light for that area? Is this too much light for that area, I think I am going to have to use sun glasses if I am in there with the lights on. What do you guys think?



New Member
lights should be just fine... with all those t5's it will cost you a good amount... but they will work... move the fan to the bottom... you want to blow the hot air up not back onto your plants. also try to get a bigger computer fan or a diffrent type. im not sure a 20 cfm computer fan will cut it... aim for ventalating your space once every 3 min's (minimum) also try to keep a negative pressure in the growroom and you might wanna try a carbon filter and not kitty litter for the later stages of flowering.... other then that it looks fine... also get mylar = reflective = good