Stealth grow box plans anyone?


Active Member
has anyone ever been to Sunlight Sheds Hydroponics Systems they have a pretty good concept in their cool cab design. but there charging like 1,000 buck's for something that could probably be built for less than 300. if there's anyone out there who could lend there brain and help me out with detailed instructions on how to build my own discreetly disguised grow box, i would be forever in your debt>>>>>>>


Well-Known Member
go to walmart and buy a small little desk/cabinet. Make sure its white that way you dont have to do any painting. Preferably make it so you have to do the least work as possible. Check alot of stores for something normal looking that you could grow in.


Well-Known Member
do what passit said then get your self a light from here High Tech Garden Supply. build your self a hydro system or get some buckets and soil. hook up some pc fans for ventilation. buy a desk fan and put it inside for air flow.


Active Member
Thanks for they advice! As you can see I'm new to growing and need all the help that i can get. As i develop my plans further I'll keep everybody posted.

Fire One Up

Active Member
I installed an island in my kitchen in wyoming that was just a grow. I cut a hole in the floor so I could build a plastic lined bottom in my crawlspace and the plants had 6 feet of room to the bottom of the countertop from the floor of my crawlspace. The whole thing cost me $650 bucks, but nothing beats eating breakfast with a girl on the top of your grow and her never knowing ;)
I also made my own countertop for it since I had formica already, or that would've probably been another 100 - 150.
I've grown under my sink and in my dish cupboard before too.
Couple tips for ninja growing-
light leaks are little tattle tales waiting to happen, smell and fan noise is another. Seal everything with weather stripping, and put your fan under your house with a duct leading from your grow to the fan. Leave the filter right in with the plants. Sound proof everything that vibrates with old towels or something. That way the noise at least isn't by your op. Use low wattage compact flouro's with coverings on them so the plants can just hug them without getting burned, or use 4 foot flouro's that won't burn them if they touch them.

when I sold my house it cost me 40 bucks for a piece of plywood to cover the hole under the island, then I just reinstalled it over the board and put the original drawers from storage into it and chucked the faux drawers. Always plan ahead ;)