Stealth box, First Grow- help and knowledge needed.


Hi my names G, I just built a grow bow out of 2 30 gallon tubs. The lightining comes from 6 daylight 100watt cfls, and ventilated by a computer fan. I have been reading the Grow Bible and A bunch of posts on here, but still have a few questions. What sort of plant would be best suited for this sort of set up? The room gets cold and I was thinking of putting in a oscillating heater fan, any other suggestions to keep the room warm? Any and all help is appreciated, I will buy my clones this weekend and take pictures every weak and post with a ph level and all the nutrient and water cycles. IMG_0817.jpgIMG_0818.jpgIMG_0819.jpg


Well-Known Member
With your lights fixed at the top you are going to have to raise your plants up to be 1-2" from them, whatever plant you have air being sucked out from the top with the fan, but do you have holes in the bottom to suck air in?


Well-Known Member
lights "fixed" at the top meaning they don't move, meaning you cant drop them to meet the plants, you have to raise your plants to meet your lights(1-2" away)


nice box bro but for the love of mary jane don't put any hps or mh bulbs around that or it'll melt! You may have been better off just coating a closet with mylar/aluminum foil and attaching thos bulbs to a piece of plywood so you can raise/lower them. All in all though it looks like it should work as long as you keep excessive heat from your container.


I ran it for around 3 hours last night to test the heat. The top of the box is staying very cool and the foil tape was a good tempature.


Well-Known Member
My setup is "ok", kinda rushed, really cheap, dirty gross area to grow in, but I'm doing my best lol

Next grow I think i'm going to switch out to 5 gallon buckets and depending on finances I might go with DWC if I can afford it, if not its soil again and I'm going to start LST'ing form the getgo to keep the plant height down as right now i'm running into severe height issues and bending hard 1" thick stalks is a PITA :D

My soil is very airy and dries out pretty quickly. When the plants were small I was watering every 3-4 days(every other day adding nutrients), now im watering almost every day with about 600-800ppm nutrients. I'd say I've probably got about 12-15 gallons of total soil in the bed and I'm watering about 1-1.5 gallons of water each time. It's a learning experience to see what works, so far this is the best grow I've had :)


Can you give me a run down of the ppm rates you used thought the stages? Your grow seems most relevant to mine, a bit rushed, dirt cheap but its the best I can do haha


Well-Known Member
When I prepped my soil I used 4 bags of some cheap potting soil that had a little bit of perlite in it, and mixed in another large bag of perlite(cant remember the exact measurements). I also mixed in about a 1/2 cup of bloodmeal to give it that extra N. I used straight water from the tap(left overnight) as my tap water is only about 120ppm and 7.0 ph for about the first month. At that point I started creating a fertilizer mixture of about 300ppm of some cheap 20-20-20 water soluable nutes and increased that over 2 weeks until i hit about 600ppm, then I started adding in this shultz cactus food with a 1-7-7 ratio, so when I mixed i'd get about 400ppm of the 20-20-20 then get it up to about 600-700ppm using the 1-7-7...seems to be working so far...