Starting spring seeds along with my next run?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I am wrapping up my first indoor grow, and starting to plan for not only my next run, but getting ready to prepare for my spring vegetable, fruits, flowers, and my first outdoor cannabis grow (because my first one failed before it got off the ground) and my second year fruit/veg garden.

The tentative plan is to wrap up my drying in the tent (a 4 by 4 with a SF4k) and prepare starts for the following about 10 to 12 weeks before my last frost date (OKC, 7a) -
Strawberries (about 6 weeks)
Tomatoes (6 to 8 weeks)
Peppers (8 weeks)
Cucumbers (4 weeks)
Melons (maybe, 4 weeks)
Pop 3-5 photoperiod seeds , 3 strains, (planning on Forbidden Fruit from RQS and Blimburn, as a h2h kinda thing, and something that is mostly sativa for variation).

I want to basically be able to take cuttings from the 3 strongest of the seeds I pop to propagate via cloning to hit my legal limit the outdoor grow ( I only intend to keep 3 plants to flower indoors, any additional plants will be moved outdoors).

I am assuming that as long as I do not overcrowd my tent, and I transplant my starters to appropriate containers, I should be okayish for the additional time, but would it be detrimental to the plants? I don't have a tent for it, but I also have a SF1K that can be utilized.

I had a lot of issues with my dog attacking the smaller plants in my garden and with direct sowing in general last year, so I was hoping that the extra time in the controlled environment will give me a more solid start.

IMO - main thing to consider is the maturity of the plants when you move them outside & the hours of sunlight.
If you move a mature plant outside in early spring, it'll start to flower & then re-veg when the days get long (not something I'd want).

I'd start the seeds last week of Apr, harden them off soonest and plant in ground early/mid May, if frost allows.

Good luck
Thanks! Thought about it, going and I will change my strat -

with my spring starters, maybe do my first autos indoors. look for something that will complete within 21wks,
During the end of the Autos, pop the seeds for the photos of the next run. Hopefully have enough vegetation to top around early May to propagate for clones to be transplanted in early to mid June.

Last year I attempted to direct sow, out of 10 2 germed, the only survivor was so mangled by squirrels and a 2 year old boxer that it produced only about an 8th and was teeeeeny due to physical damage. As well, while a few of my direct sowed tomatoes did wonderfully, I saw significantly greater success with nursery transplants. (note, it was my first season to start gardening).

One of the lessons I learned is that I need a beefier physical barrier to my garden, so a cattle fence is going up, and hopefully I will have the budget to add a few more 6 by 3 raised beds. The little lovable demon, that i feed despite her transgressions upon my garden, seems to also not have interest in established plants, but finds seedlings enticing AF. Especially lanky cannabis.

Thanks again for pointing out a what I was missing just little right to the obvious!