starting outdoor


New Member
so like where im doing the outdoor grow this year still gets down in the 40's some mornings and evenings but dosen't freeze anymore. If I go ahead and set some outside would they be alright? I mean i know that they would grow slow untill they got in better temps but it'd be a little head start.


Active Member
they would be fine but keep in mind all it takes in one clear night early in the spring and the temps can drop below freezing. for new little plants that can kill them in one night.


New Member
yeah i planned on covering them with plastic if it looks like its going to frost or that there will be chance of frost.

i plan on keeping them nearby to get started anyways so i dont have to walk out to each individual location to cover them if i need to. I will transplant them when they get bigger though.


Well-Known Member
I grow outside all the time 5yrs. I just start inside till the're about 6" then put in a slightly
larger pot exposing them to a little outside temps from morning to night then bring them inside. A couble of weeks later I keep them outside for good.. Just make sure there's no late season frost as this may stunt your plant And keep in soil with good drainage as if it gets cool the pot won't be soaked with water hence possible frosting ( not, freezing ) when weather co-operates then into larger pots, I find this gets your plants accustonized to the varities of outside weather. Good in the great white north to get your plants aclimatized to our changeing temps
Good Luck


New Member
i usualy just transfer them from inside to outside in one motion. i dont feel that I need to spend 3 weeks getting them used to temp changes if i can stick them outside and them only stunt for a week while still getting the extra growth during those 2 remaining weeks that you are trying to adjust them in.

im just trying to make sure that they arent going to die if i put them out this early. I think that the only thing that would bother them is if frost directly gets on them though


New Member
Can the temp be cold if the seeds havent even broken the surface yet or will this kill them?

now that would prob kill them im starting them indoors and moving them to outside. in either a week or 2 after i get them some good root systems established.


Well-Known Member
o ya sorry my bad, theyre inside right now but i mean is that gona kill them, getting cold inside the house? By the way just got my first sprout!!!


New Member
o ya sorry my bad, theyre inside right now but i mean is that gona kill them, getting cold inside the house? By the way just got my first sprout!!!
this is an outdoor thread......? i said i am going to start them inside. meaning untill the boogers are 8 inches tall or so ill bring the boogers in @ night so they dont freeze.

Why would it be cold in my house:?

ps:congrats on the first sprout be carefull you dont over water it. read read helps more than youd ever care to know


Well-Known Member
Well if you are sure that you won't get a late frost,out they go, up in the frozen north here that's the end of May....


New Member
Well if you are sure that you won't get a late frost,out they go, up in the frozen north here that's the end of May....

ive decided to bring them inside @ night.
but i would like to know, when i bring them in there is a shed in my yard that has no insulation whatsoever, would it be ok to put them in there since that will keep ice from getting on them? I mean its still outside but they wont get frosted if i put them in there @ night right?