starting next grow, need advice please!!!!!!


:!:this is a 3 part ?.
1) ive had problems my last two grows n want all to b perfect this time. i am using botanicare pro nutes in a 30 gal res under a 1000 w light, plants are in hydroton. should i b adding silica to the mix? the nutes n adds i use r :
pro grow, pro bloom, pro bloom soil, liquid karma, cal mag, aquashield, clearex
ginormous, honey
2)my room temp when light is on is usu 80-87f the res water is 60-65f. can the temp difference shock or hurt the plants?
3)last one, how often n how thoroughly should i flush?
please i need experienced advice:!::wall:


Active Member
you dont need to add silica, the nutes sound ok but try giving the plants a lowish ec level, say < 1.4, most problems people i know have with plants is because they have poisoned them with too much of too many products. keep it simple and there is less to fuck up. the temps you quote are ok, your night time temperature when the lights are off should be above 65, you dont want it to swing about too much. if you keep the ec down you wont have to flush that often, maybe once after vegeing and once a couple of weeks before harvest.


Active Member
i use botanicare nutrients, and i mix up a cocktail of them so i can add from one jug. here are my recipes and schedules:

clone/germnination Botanicare Cal-Mag plus (1/4 tsp. per quart), Clonex clone solution (2 tsp. per quart)

Vegetative Mix (all botanicare):

250 ml. Cal-mag plus
175 ml. Liquid Karma
540 ml. Pure Blend Pro Grow

Rinse out an old milk jug, and proceed to mark it "VEGETATIVE" or whatever you wish, so long as you know what it is. Add the above listed ingredients, and fill the jug to the top with plain water.

Week 1: add 1 oz per gallon of the above mix (or till you reach ~300 ppm), and adjust ph to 5.8. For coco gardens, water every day till runoff. in DWC, clean bucket and refill every week.

Week 2: add 2 oz per gallon of the mix (around 550-600 ppm), and again adjust ph to 5.8. same watering instructions.

Week 3: add 3 oz per gallon if using coco (around 850-900 ppm), stay at 2 oz per gallon if in DWC. Again, set ph to 5.8

After 3 weeks, my plants move to flowering.

Flowering Mix (Botanicare):

250ml Cal-Mag plus
150ml Sweet
175ml Liquid Karma
550ml Pure Blend Pro Bloom (hydro/coco formula)

Week 1 flowering: Add above mix at the rate of 1 oz. per gallon (~350-400 ppm), and adjust ph to 5.8. water every day to runoff in coco, or again clean and fill buckets once per week for DWC.

Week 2 flowering: Add mix at 2 oz. per gallon (~700-800), and again adjust ph to 5.8. same watering instructions.

Weeks 3 and 4 flowering: Add mix at 3 oz. per gallon (~1000-1100) for coco gardens, keep DWC at 2 oz. per gallon, and adjust ph to 5.8. same watering instructions.

Week 5 through 2 weeks prior to finish: Add mix to 3 oz. per gallon (coco), or 2 oz. per gallon for DWC, and add your choice of carbo booster. i use sugar daddy by technaflora, at a rate of 2 tsp. per gallon. same watering instructions.

Final 2 weeks flowering: Use plain water with 1 tsp/gallon Cal-Mag Plus. water to runoff every day in coco, or change solution every day in DWC.

NOTES: the above numbers are based off R/O water, which in my case starts off at about 30 ppm. test your water's ppm first.

Recommended dosages are estimated for conveniece, and will get you fairly close to the specified ranges.

As we all know, each strain is different, so please play with these recipes till you find what works best for your plants needs.


Well-Known Member
:!:this is a 3 part ?.
1) ive had problems my last two grows n want all to b perfect this time. i am using botanicare pro nutes in a 30 gal res under a 1000 w light, plants are in hydroton. should i b adding silica to the mix? the nutes n adds i use r :
pro grow, pro bloom, pro bloom soil, liquid karma, cal mag, aquashield, clearex
ginormous, honey
2)my room temp when light is on is usu 80-87f the res water is 60-65f. can the temp difference shock or hurt the plants?
3)last one, how often n how thoroughly should i flush?
please i need experienced advice:!::wall:

People are saying that 80 - 87 is ok and it will work but youd be better off with more like 78-84 range anything higher then that and you will see a decrease in yeld no doubt unless your using CO2 or a curtin strain that is condusive to hotter climite id try and get that temp down a lil.....I use a 1000w light in a 4x4 tent with one 8inch fan cooling my light AND scrubbing my air so i kill two birds with one stone and my temps are right about 77 - 79 degress and thats with ambient temps at about 74 if i can get my 1000w into the 70's withe ONE fan then i think you should be able to do so aswell....Bont nutes are good nutes my mom was using them for awhile she now using " house & garden" ive convienced her to switch to it i like it better then bont care nutes and i think its a lil cheaper too...

anyways thats just my advise get yur temps down dont over feed and maybe try a different nutes like house and garden or advance nutes are good too but even more prices.....if your plants are dying its probably cause what the other guy said your EC is off maybe even your ph and what about humidy?